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         A fine tomato pulp canned selecting
         only the best raw material and using
           innovative canning process. High
           quality, bright red colour, creamy
          consistency. A perfect ingredient to
         cook fast sauces without renouncing
            to the genuineness and to the
         unique flavor of the fresh tomatoes.
               Ideally suited for Pizzas.

                     10.99                                       3 x 4kg
                                  Peeled Plum Tomatoes canned by using only
                                  ripe fruits of selected varieties and rigorously
                                  controlled by modern facilities. High quality,
                                  bright red colour, firm consistency, naturalness,
                                  freshness, available also with basil leaf. The
                                  quality and authenticity of the product is guar-
                                  anteed by the traceability of the raw material. It
                                  completely answers to the need of final con-
                                  sumers who appreciates the absolute Italian
                                  origin of the raw material.

          6 x 2.5kg
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