Page 64 - SGK Tieng Anh 9 thi diem tap 2
P. 64

LOOKING BACK  Communication                                    Finished! Now I can…

           5 Match  each  prediction  with  two  responses.
             Then practise saying them in pairs.
                                                                ●   use the lexical items related to
                                                                  the changing roles in society
                Predictions              Responses              ●   identify tones of agreement
                                                                  and disagreement
            1.   People will no longer   A.  What will it be like living high up?  ●   use the future passive with
               send letters by mail.  B.  Faster than planes? How come?  con dence
            2.    Technology will allow   C.   I wish they would. I love reading a   ●   use non-de ning relative
               mothers to deliver   handwritten letter, which is much   clauses to give extra
               children at home by   more personal.             ●   read for speci c information
               themselves.       D.     Well, why not? We have seen amazing   about the changing roles
            3.   People will be travelling     things that technology o ers.  of women in society and its
                in supersonic trains.  E.   I’d love it. The view from the window   e ects
            4.   There will be sky houses   would be fantastic.  ●   talk about roles in the future
                in big cities.   F.   I don’t think it’s ever going to happen.   ●   listen for speci c information
                                    It’s too dangerous.           about the changes that women
                                 G.  We won’t be able to see the scenery   in Kenya are going through
                                    on the way!                 ●   write about the roles of
                                 H.    That’s for sure! Emails and messages   teenagers in the future
                                    will replace them.

                  YOUR VISION OF THE FUTURE

                                                          There have been a lot of changes in society over
                                                          the past 30 years, and more changes will certainly
                                                          continue to take place. A competition called YOUR
                                                          VISION OF THE FUTURE has been launched online
                                                          for school students. Form a team of 5-6 and work
                                                          together to discuss:
                                                            - what your vision of the future is
                                                            - how the world will be different to today’s world
                                                            - what brings about the change, and
                                                            - how you feel about it
                                                          Then get ready to present your ideas to the class
                                                          before you can post it on the competition website.

           69   Unit 11/ Changing Roles in Society              Unit 11/ Changing Roles in Society  69
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