Page 108 - Oxford_Grammar_for_Schools_4_SB
P. 108

Who, which, that: object relative pronouns

           Who, which or that can be the object of the relative             When the relative pronoun is the object, it is not
           clause.                                                          necessary to include it in the sentence.
           The film was very good. We watched it.                           The film (that) we watched was very good.
                                                                            There's the actor (who) you really like.
           The film that we watched was very good.
                                                                            But when the relative pronoun is the subject, we have
           The film which we watched was very good.                         to include it in the sentence.

                                                                             You're the person who spoke to Suzy.
           Theres the actor. You really like him.
           There's the actor who you really like.                           When the verb in a relative clause has a preposition
                                                                            (talk to, look for), we normally keep the preposition
           There's the actor that you really like.
                                                                            after the verb.
                                                                            I know the girls. Suzy is talking to them.
                                                                            I know the girls who Suzy is talking to.
                                                                            The book had disappeared. She was looking for it.
                                                                            The book that she was looking for had disappeared.

            4 Complete the relative clauses using who or which               . C 5 Complete the sentences using who, which or that.
                and the correct form of the verb in brackets.                     Use two relative pronouns in each sentence.

                                                                                  ÿ We visited some friends. We've known them
                                                                                     for years.
                                                                                     We visited some friends, who/that we've
                                                                                     f or ijears.
                                                                                  ÿ The house is in Bristol. We want to buy it.
                                                                                     The house which/that we waiÿt to bu-M is in
                                                                                  1 She's wearing the dress. She bought it in Paris.
                                                                                     She's wearing the_

                                                                                  2 Can I talk to the doctor? I saw him yesterday.
                                                                                     Can I talk to the_?
                                                                                  3 Carrie really enjoyed the omelette. You made it.
                                                                                     Carrie really enjoyed the_
                                                                                  4 They are the musicians. I was thinking of them.
                                                                                     They are the_

                                                                                  5 Theo spends all the money. He earns it.
                                                                                     Theo spends all the_
                                                                                  6 The letter has just arrived. You sent it last week.
                                                                                     The_has just arrived.
                ÿ That is the woman who she met
                   yesterday.                                                     7 The book is very interesting. You lent it to me.
                1 Those are the shoes_last                                           The_is very interesting.
                   week, (buy)                                                    8 The person is very annoying. I sit behind him.
                2 That is the singer_to last                                         The_is very annoying.
                   night, (listen)
                3 That is the book_at the
                   weekend, (read)
                4 That is the actor_on TV
                   yesterday, (watch)
                5 That is the chocolate cake_
                   _two days ago. (bake)

          106 Relative pronouns
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