Page 34 - Oxford_Grammar_for_Schools_4_SB
P. 34

Work in groups. Read the information in               9 Correct the mistakes in each sentence.
                         the table and make sentences about the
                                                                                  ÿ She aren't waiting.
                         animals. Use the verbs in the box. Check
                                                                                     ÿShe isn,t waiting.
                         your answers on page 168.
                                                                                  1 Where are you go?
                   come from eat live for weigh
                                                                                  2 The bus isn't stoping!

                                                                                  3 She doesn't wearing a coat.

                                                                                  4 Sam driving to Manchester today.

                                                                                  5 What they are talking about?

                                                                                  6 Vicky is write an email.

                                                                                  7 Is it snowwing outside?

                                                                                  8 Hes eating an ice cream.
                   penguin                          tiger

                                                                              10 O 6.3 Complete the text with the present
                  Place       Africa, Asia, Australia, Antarctica
                                                                                  continuous form of the verb in brackets,
                                                                                  Listen and check.
                  Weight      35kg, 55kg, 170kg, 250kg
                                                                                  Peter Hi, Jack. It's Peter.
                                                                                  Jack     Hey. Where are you?
                  Food        meat, grass, plants, fish
                                                                                  Peter    I , m (sit) on a train with my
                  Age         8 years, 15 years, 20 years, 40 years
                                                                                  Jack     Where'_(you/go)?
                                                                                  Peter    We2_(travel) to Scotland to
                 ¿¡orillas. come from. Asín.                                               visit my cousins.

                                                                                  Jack     That sounds exciting.
                                     No. ihtij don't come from                    Peter    Actually, I'3_                (not/enjoy)
                                    Asia. They cotue from Africa.                          the journey. The air-conditioning
                                                                                            _(not/work), so it's
                                                                                            really hot in here at the moment.
                Write the -ing forms of the verbs below.                          Jack      So what are you doing?®_
                                                                                            (you/play) games on your phone?
                ÿ wait waitiw 4 close  _
                                                5 die
                1 write _                                                         Peter     No, I'm not. I f_(revise) for
                2 sleep_                        6 do                                       the maths test.
                3 try _                         7 study                           Jack      Bad luck. So what'_

                                                                                            (everyone else/do)?
             8 Spell the -ing forms of the verbs below. ÿ
                                                                                  Peter     My sister®_                 (listen) to music
                ÿ read readin# 6 get                                                       and my parents i_           _(read).
                ÿ put puctt ivÿc\ 7 look                                                   Actually, no, they,°.       _(not
                1 plan _ 8 °Pen                                                             read) now; they 11_        _(sleep).
                                                9 relax
                2 stay _                                                          Jack      I ' ve got to go now. Enjoy Scotland. I hope
                3 wear _                      10 begin
                                                                                           the sun shines.
                                              11 visit
                4 swim _                                                          Peter    Thanks, but right now, I  12
                5 snow _                      12 happen
                                                                                            (look) forward to some cold weather!

                Present simple and continuous
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