Page 40 - Oxford_Grammar_for_Schools_4_SB
P. 40

* 1C Circle the correct option. *1 3                                              Work in pairs. Look at the pictures of

                ÿ Richard didn't play / don't played football                               Katy's day. Ask and answer questions
                   yesterday.                                                               about Katy.

                1 Emma went/goed to Australia.
                2 Did you broke/break my computer?

                3 Sarah didn't send / didn't sent me a postcard.
                4 My team won / win the competition last year.
                5 When did Libby's grandfather die / died?

                6 Suzy not see / didn't see the cyclist.
                7 Leo drunk / drank a litre of water after the match.
                8 What time did you wake / do you woke up?

                9 We hadn't / didn't have a good day at school.
              10 Did you / Did you do the maths homework

                Complete the first part of Harry's story with the
                past simple forms of the verb in brackets.

                   Everything went (go) wrong yesterday.
                   11_(get) up late, because my brother
                   _(not set) the alarm clock. 13_
                   (have) a shower but the water4_(be)
                   cold. 1f_(leave) the house at 8.30, so of
                   course I f_(miss) the bus. 17_(walk)
                   to school. It8_(take) me 30 minutes, and                       ÿ what time/wake up
                   1®_(not arrive) on time. My teacher was                        1 how/travel to the shops
                   angry and '°_(give) me a detention.                            2 what/buy
                                                                                  3 who /meet
                   In the morning, we ,'_(have) a listening
                                                                                  4 what / eat at the café
                   test in French. 1'2_(not understand)
                                                                                  5 when/get home
                   anything and 1,3_(get) all the answers
                                                                                    what tívu¿ did \cat\¿ wa tee up?

          p2 O7.3 Complete the end of Harry's story with the                                          she wotee up atj o'clock..
                past simple forms of the verbs in the box. Listen
                and check. m¡ÍJ

                   be not come feel get have not enjoy
                   make rain stay wait walk                                 *14 O 7.4 Now listen to Katy's description of her
                                                                                  day and look again at the pictures in exercise 13.      ©
                                                                                  Are the pictures true or false? Write sentences.
                   In the afternoon, we had a PE lesson, but it
                   1                                                              ÿ The picture is false .
                   _and 12_very wet. Normally I love
                   PE but 13_it yesterday.                                            3he didn't watee up at eight o'clock.. _
                                                                                  1 The picture is_
                   14_at school for an extra hour because of
                   my detention. Then 15_at the bus stop for                      2 The picture is
                   the bus but itf_1'_home.

                   My parents®_          worried because I was late.              3 The picture is
                   But my mum9_         _ a nice dinner. 1'°_
                                                                                  4 The picture is
                   much better after that!

                                                                                  5 The picture is

          38 Past simple
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