Page 56 - Oxford_Grammar_for_Schools_4_SB
P. 56

¡i 6 Complete the sentences or questions using the                 ?;8 o 10.2 Read the sentences below. Then listen
                                                                             *                                                            O
                present perfect or past simple form of the verbs                  to an interview with a famous architect. Are the
                in brackets.                                                      sentences correct ÿ or incorrect x?
                ÿ  .s am, went     to hospital last week. (Sam/go)                ÿ Sandra was an architect for 30 years,  but she
                1 _                . your sports kit yesterday?                      doesn't work now.
                   (you/forget)                                                   1 The Eldon School has been open for two years.
                2 _never_                  banana ice cream. (I/eat)

                3 -in China three days ago. (It/snow)                             2 She's just won the Congress Prize in America.
                4 _already_me your new shoes.                                     3 Sandra has lived in America for ten years. _
                   (you/show)                                                     4 She lives in London now. _
                                    there for three years, but it was             5 They've already finished the new swimming
                   boring, so he found another job. (Tom/work)                       centre. _
                6 _that song since I was eleven.
                   (I/not hear)                                                   Complete the sentences with the present perfect
                                    married on 3 July, 1995.                      or past simple form of the verbs.
                   (My parents/get)                                               ÿ He opened the cupboard and toote                  out
                8 _ever_                 a horse? (you/ride)                         the coffee, (take)
                9 Vicky_                _ for her ticket yet. (not/pay)
                                                                                  ÿ 'She looks happy.' 'Yes. She,s won            the
               10 Why_           you    _the bus on Monday?                                               '              _
                                                                                     music competition. (win)
                                                                                  1 'Would you like to watch this DVD?' 'Yes, please.
            7 O 10.1 Circle the correct option. Listen and check. ¿TE®               I _that film' (not see)
                                                                                  2 The teacher entered the room and the children
                ÿ Harry bought/has bought a new watch but
                   then he lost it.                                                  _up. (stand)
                ÿ I bought / have bought a new pen. Look! Do you                  3 The rain_while she was walking
                   want to try it?                                                   home, (stop)
                1 They went / have been to Istanbul, Marmaris and                 4 '_you_a new jacket?' "Yes. It's cool,
                   Bodrum while they were in Turkey.                                 isn't it?'(buy)
                2 We went / have been to London and Oxford.                       5 They went to New York but they_
                   We're really enjoying our trip to England.                        the Museum of Modern Art. (not visit)
                3 The train arrived / has arrived. Let's get on.
                                                                                  6 'Do you like her music?' 'Yes. I_all
                4 They arrived / have arrived at six and left at half
                                                                                     her songs.'(download)
                   past seven.
                                                                                  7 My phone isn't working. Someone_
                5 Charlotte Bronte was a writer. She wrote / has
                                                                                     it. (break)
                   written four novels.
                6 Zac Ephron is an actor. He made / has made a lot                8 _you_on the plane when you flew
                   of films.                                                         to Australia? (sleep)
                7 Sam was cold because he forgot / has forgotten                  9 She_her homework before
                   his coat.                                                         school, (do)
                8 'Can I have your homework?' 'Oh no! I forgot /
                                                                                 10 '_it_raining?' 'Yes. Let's go and play
                   have forgotten it.'
                                                                                     tennis.' (stop)
                9 'Are you hungry?' 'Yes, I am. I didn't have /
                   haven't had anything to eat today.'
               10 He wasn"t hungry, so he didn't eat / hasn't
                   eaten anything.

          54 Present perfect and past simple
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