Page 18 - Family and Friends 2 Class Book full
P. 18

Lesson Three Song

      1 Listen, point ond repeot.            @   r,

      2 Listen ond sing .  ro 3 Sing ond do.

                                    lf you're fired crnd you know it

                                            lf you're tired and you know it,

                                               Go to sleep!   [Snore,  snore]
                                            lf you're tired and you know it,
                                               Co to sleept   fsnore,  snore]

                                            lf you're tired and you know it,
                                            And you really want to show it,

                                            lf you're tired and you know it,
                                               Co to sleep!   fsnore,  snore]

                                           lf you're scared and you know it,
                                              Hug yourself!   lHug,   huql ...

                                            lf you're angry and you know it,

                                         Stamp your     feetl [Sta  mp, stamp] ...

                                            lf you're brave and you know it,

                                                 Say,'l can!'  can!]

        t6     Unit 2    Feelings
   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23