Page 128 - tieng anh 11
P. 128

1. Six hundred balloons were _________ at the ceremony.
               2. They are looking for _________ methods of making it.

               3. People use _________ to run machines, heat and cool their homes.
               4. The food in the restaurant is cheap, but the choice is rather _______.

               5. Fuel supplies are nearly _________.

               Task 2. Scan the passage and write down the advantage(s) and
               disavantage(s) of each alternative source of energy.

                 Sources of energy          Advantage(s)            Disadvantage(s)

                 Nuclear power

                 Solar energy

                 Water power

                 Wind power

                 Geothermal heat

               Task 3. Answer the questions.

               1. What is our major source of energy?
               2. How many sources of energy are mentioned in the text, and which
                  one do you think has the most potential?

          After you read

               Complete the summary of the reading passage by filling each blank
               with a suitable word from the box.

                   one                  environment      alternative            limited
                   unlimited         sources          energy                 fuels

   123   124   125   126   127   128   129   130   131   132   133