Page 165 - tieng anh 11
P. 165


          I.   Listening (2.5 points)

               Listen and complete the sentences.

               1. Television brings _________ from around the world into millions
                  of homes.

               2. A person sitting in his house can ________________ make a
                  speech or visit a foreign country.
               3. Home viewers can see and learn about ________ in far-away lands.

               4. Entertainment programmes consist of ___________________.

               5. People find it more convenient as well as cheaper to sit comfortably
                  at home ________________.

          II.  Reading (2.5 points)

               Read the passage and decide whether the statements are true (T) or
               false (F).

               Linda lives alone in London, with her wonderful collection. She has
               been collecting all the royal mementoes since 1960 when she saw the

                                              Royal family

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