Page 173 - tieng anh 11
P. 173

Task 2. Work in groups. Take turns to talk about the important events
               in space exploration.

           4 October, 1957     l first artificial satellite: Sputnik
                               l mark beginning of Space Age
                               l made by the USSR

                              3 November, 1957    l first living being in space
                                                  l a dog named Laika
                                                  l aboard Sputnik 2

            12 April, 1961     l first human in space
                               l Yuri Gagarin, Russian cosmonaut
                               l 27 years old
                               l 108-minute flight

                                16 June, 1963     l first woman in space
                                                  l Valentina Tereshkova,
                                                    Russian cosmonaut

              20 July, 1969    l first humans to set foot on the moon
                               l Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin,
                                American astronauts

                                 23 July, 1980    l first Vietnamese in space
                                                  l Pham Tuan
                                                  l along with V.V. Gorbotko,
                                                    a Russian cosmonaut
                                                  l stay 8 days in orbit

          29 October, 1998     l the oldest human ever to fly into space
                               l John Glenn, an American astronaut
                               l at the age of 77

                             15 October, 2003     l first Chinese in space
                                                  l Yang Liwei, 38 years old
                                                  l spend 21 hours in space

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