Page 87 - tieng anh 11
P. 87

4. Scientists say that the main reason for population explosion is
                  A. death rates                       C. an increase in death rates

                  B. birth rates                       D. a decrease in death rates

               5. Which of the following problems is NOT mentioned by the speaker?
                  A. literacy                          C. shortage of food

                  B. lack of hospitals and schools     D. poor living conditions

               6. Which of the following solutions is NOT mentioned by the speaker?

                  A. providing safe, inexpensive birth control methods
                  B. educating people

                  C. advising people to use birth control methods

                  D. strictly implementing a family planning policy

               Task 2. Listen again and answer the following questions.

               1. According to experts, what will the population of the world be by the
                  year 2015?
               2. What did the expert say about the population growth rates in some
                  parts of the world?

               3.  According to the expert, what is the reason for a fall in the
                  death rates?
               4. According to the expert, what problems does population explosion
                  cause to the world, particularly to developing countries?
               5. How many solutions did the expert offer and what are they?

          After you listen

               Listen again. Work in groups and summarise the main ideas of the

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