Page 26 - Complete IELTS Bands 5 - 6.5
P. 26

Writing  Task 2
                                                                    I .Nowadays! Over time. a wide range of food products  has
               Exam information                                     become available in shops and there are plenty of ways
                                                                    that it can be produced. packaged and sold. 2 As a result I
               •  Task 2 is a discursive essay.
                                                                    Therefore. there are many different attitudes towards food,
               •  The question may contain more than one part to    and not everyone makes the same decisions when they go
                  discuss.                                          shopping.
               •  You  must write at least 250 words in about 40
                                                                    Most people  shop to suit their lifestyle. J In particular I
                                                                    Especially. single people who work long hours may buy
           0  Work in pairs. Read this Writing task and say         frozen or pre-cooked food. because they worry about how
              whether the statements below are true (T)  or         much  time  they have. Some parents with large families may
              false  (F). Correct the false ones.                   'I as well! also worry about time. but are likely to think about
                                                                    their finances too. lf they only have a little  money. they will
              Write about the following topic.                      be interested in special offers. such as two for the price of
              Most people are not interested in how their food
              has been produced.  They only care about how          5 On one hand I  On the other hand. people who have plenty
              much it costs.                                        of time to prepare food themselves may choose what they
              How true is this statement? What influences           buy more carefully and consider a range of aspects  that
              people when they buy food?                            include quality and taste. 6 In addihon I Besides. a few
                                                                    of these people will be concerned about how animals are
              Give reasons for your answer and include any
              relevant examples from your own knowledge or          treated and whether the food has been organically produced.
              experience.                                           7 Another I The other factor affecting choice is where you
                                                                    live. ln my country. a great deal of importance  is placed on
                                                                    the freshness of food. We eat a lot of nsh  and vegetables.
              1  This essay is about consumers and food. T
                                                                    and most of this is caught or produced locally. So cost is not
              2  There is one part to the question.
              3  It is only necessary to discuss food  production   an  issue. 8/n fact I  So, very few  consumers  talk about it.
                 and cost.                                          li Concluding I  In conclusion. it seems that cost is only one
              4  I do not have to agree with the first statement.   of a number of factors  that people take into consideration
              5  Some personal experience and examples have to
                                                                    when they purchase food. 10 Although I  Even some people
                 be included.
                                                                    look at price before quality. others have little interest in
           6  Work in small groups. Make some notes on              these things and will spend a considerable amount of money
              these questions relating to the task in Exercise 1.   on food in order to satisfy their needs and beliefs.
              Discuss your opinions and ideas.
                                                                 0  Work in pairs.
              1  How much do people care about a)  how their
                 food has been produced, and b)  the cost of their   1  How many paragraphs are there?
                 food?                                              2  What does the writer include in the first
              2  What other things do people care about when           paragraph?
                 they buy food?                                     3  Where is the writer's opinion about the
                                                                       statements in the task?
           €) @  IELTS candidates often make mistakes with
                                                                    4  Does the writer include any personal
              linking words and phrases. Read the sample
                                                                       experience? Where?
              answer on the right and circle the best option
                                                                    5  Underline the writer's two main ideas.
              from each pair of expressions in italics (1-10).
                                                                    6  Which ideas and examples in the sample answer
           0  Read the sample answer again. Which of your              were also mentioned during your discussion?
              ideas in Exercise 2 does the writer discuss?          7  Do you agree with the writer's conclusions?
                                                                       Why? I  Why not?

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