Page 113 - Complete Key for Schools Student's Book
P. 113

Unit 5                                                Prepositions of time at, in, on

            Comparatives and superlatives                         We use at for before clock times, the weekend, night, and
                                                                  for mealtimes and some holidays:
            We use comparative adjectives to compare two people or   I do my homework at the weekend.
            things: Daniel is taller than Simone.                 I go to bed at 9 o’clock.
            We use superlative adjectives to compare one person or   We use in for parts of the day, and long time periods like
            thing to the rest of its group:                       months, seasons, and years:
            Daniel is the tallest in his class.                   We sometimes go skiing in February.
             adjective    comparative      superlative            I play tennis in summer.
                                                                  We use on for days and dates:
             small        smaller          the smallest
                                                                  I go shopping on Saturdays.
             fast         faster           the fastest            My birthday is on 21st July.
             big          bigger           the biggest
             fat          fatter           the fattest
                                                                  Put the words and phrases in the correct column.
             pretty       prettier         the prettiest
                                                                   6.30    autumn    Fridays    lunchtime    night    Saturday
             happy        happier          the happiest            September    the 21st July    the evening
             good         better           the best
                                                                   at               in               on
             bad          worse            the worst
             interesting  more interesting  the most interesting

             spelling rules
             one syllable adjectives: add -er and -est
             adjectives ending in vowel + consonant: double the
             consonant and add -er and -est
             adjectives ending in -y: remove -y, add -ier and -iest
             some adjectives are irregular                        Unit 6
             adjectives with three or more syllables: add more and   have to
             the most
                                                                  We use have to and has to to talk about things that are
            Exercise                                              necessary:
            Complete the conversations with the comparative       We have to wear a uniform at our school.
            and superlative forms of the adjective in brackets.   My brother has to train for the marathon.
            1  A:  Jerry is   the fastest     runner in our       We use don’t have to and doesn’t have to to talk about
                  school. (fast)                                  things that are not necessary:
               B:  No, he isn’t! I’m                  than him.   You don’t have to get all the answers right.
            2  A:  Football is                   than tennis.     She doesn’t have to come if she doesn’t want to.
                  (exciting)                                                    affirmative   negative
               B:  No, it isn’t. I think tennis is                 I / You /    have to      don’t have to
                  game in the world.
            3  A:  My shoes are                    than your       We / They                                study.
                  shoes. (big)                                     He / She / It  has to     doesn’t have to
               B:  I know. I think you have
                  feet in our family.                                           questions      short answers
            4  A:  This film is                    than the last    Do I / you /                Yes, I do. / No, we don’t.
                  one. (funny)                                     we / they
               B:  I agree. It’s                 film ever.         Does he /    have to work?  Yes, he does. / No, it
            5  A:  Is Susan                    singer in our class?   she / it                 doesn’t.
               B:  No. You’re                    than she is!

                                                                                                 Grammar reference  111
   108   109   110   111   112   113   114   115   116   117   118