Page 109 - Oxford Grammar for Schools 2 Student Book
P. 109

1 7             Play in groups or roundthe class. Give               *8         *  *1) O 22.2 Read and listen to the song.
                        an instruction.The first student to                                   Underlineall the verbs that take two           O
                        follow the instruction is the winner and                              objects.Then sing!
                        gives the next instruction. Use the verbs
                        in the box to help you.
               show tell      give    lend teach take
                                                                                           See you soon!
                                                                                           Have a good time!
                      Show me your homework!
                                                                                           Write me a postcard,

          <G¡                              f Tell me the time.                             Write me a note,
                                                                                           Write me a letter ...
                  iVe me your pen.
                                                                                           Give me a call.
                                                                                           That's all,
                                  O    oW the class your bag.                              Give me a call.

                Tell us your -favourite colour.        ÿ                                   Send me a message,

                                                                                           Send me a text,
                                                                                           Send me an email ...

                                                                                           Give me a call.
                                                                                           That's all,
                                                                                           Give me a call.

                                                                                           Don't bring me a present,
                                                                                           I don't want a thing,
                                                                                           I just want a message,
                                                                                           I want you to ring ...
                                                                                           Give me a call.
                                                                                           That's all,

                                                                                           Give me a call.

                                                                                    1  Self-evaluation Rate your progress. |

                                                                                                   ÿ              &  *



                                                                                                                                 Unit 22 109
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