Page 91 - Oxford Grammar for Schools 2 Student Book
P. 91

Can, could

                                    I can recognize and use can and could for ability, permission and requests.

        Can and could: ability                                               82 o 19.1 Look at the information about Chris,
                                                                                   Jane and Laura. Complete the missing words.
                                                                                   Then listen and check.
            Affirmative                   Negative
                                                                                           Chris now                    Chris age 5

            I can play the drums.         I can't play the piano.                    swim S                        dance
                                                                                     ski/                          play a musical
                                      Past                                                                         instrument/

                                                                                     Jane and Laura now           Jane and Laura age 5

            Einstein could speak          He couldn't speak
            German and English.           Japanese.

          We use can/can't + base form to talk about ability
                                                                                     speak French and              write their names
           in the present.We use could/couldn't to talk about                        English y              __
          ability in the past.The verb form stays the same                           speak Italian/
          for I,you, he, she it, we, and they.

                                                                                   ÿ  Chris can      swim. He can't s~ki
        *  1 Complete the sentences with can, can't, could                         1 Young Chris could                He _         playa
              or couldn't to make true sentences.
                                                                                      musical instrument.
              ÿ I can     read.
                                                                                   2 Jane and Laura      _        speak French and
              1 Mozart    _        read music.
                                                                                      English.They can't     _        Italian.
             2 Shakespeare         -      send text messages.                      3 Young Jane and Laura         _        write their

             3 I  _        speak Chinese.                                                                       __
                                                                                      names.They couldn't
             4 MichaelJackson        _        sing and dance.
             5 I  _        count to ten in English.

                                                                                                                                Unit 19     91
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