Page 97 - Oxford Grammar for Schools 2 Student Book
P. 97

* 4 Use have to and has to to make questions                                            Work in pairs.Ask and answer the
              and short answers.                                                               questions.

                       how much do              yo>                                   ÿ  you / have to / get up / early at weekends?
                   have to         pay for a ticket?                                   Do you have to get up early at Weeken

                                                                                                                         No, I don t.

                                                                                      1 you /have to /work /this evening?
                             6en            to Wash tine dishes?                      2 what time / our teacher / have to / get / to

                                                No, he                                3 I / have to / do / the next exercise / too?
                                                                                      4 what / you / have to / do / after this lesson?
                                                                                      5 we / have to / come / to school / tomorrow?
                                                                                      6 our teacher / have to / teach / all the classes /
                            we            to wear\                                       in the school?
                    out best clothes today?          )

                                                                                *6              Play in pairs or groups. Choose ajob.
                                              Yes, y ou                                         Ask and answer yes/no questions to
                                                                                                try to guess your partner'sjob. Use
                                                                                                the ideas in the boxes and your own
                 f Where              I have                                            policeman actor teacher shop assistant
                         put my homework?
                                                                                        taxi driver pop star builder vet

                                       On the teacher's table                           wear a uniform get up early drive a car

                                                                                        work at weekends work with your hands
                                                                                        be good at music work with children
                                                                                        work in the evenings wear special clothes
                             Johr\           to do an exam?
                     is                                                                    f Do you have to Work \
                                                    Yes, he                                I     atWeekends?             J[ Yes, I do.

                                                                                           f   Do you have to
                            We have              finish the salad?                         V  Wear a uniform?              No, J A

                                                Yes, you
                                                                                            Are you a doctor? j Í No, I'm not.

                    What time       - you        have \
                                    go home?            J                                  f Do you    Work with \       ÿ  Yes, I do.

                                                 Eighto'clock.    J

                                                                                        &        you vet?       J  Qfes,  that's right!

                                                                                                                                 Unit 20    97
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