Page 53 - project_1_workbook_4th_ed
P. 53

5 Now answer the questions about the town.                I can

           1  What is opposite the museum?
                                                               Write the answers and tick ( /)  the correct box.
                The school is opposite the museum,_______
           2  What is between the church and the  bank?
                                                                 1   In  my bedroom,  there's
                                                                      a _____________ next
           3  Is there a theatre in the town?
                                                                     to th e _____________ .

                                                                     There's a
           4  What is between the church and the cafés?
                                                                     on the
           5  What is opposite the hotel?
                                                                 I can talk about houses and  rooms.

           6  Is there a  cinema  in the town?                   ■  Yes         ■  I  need  more  practice

           7  Are there two  hotels?
                                                                 2  There           a  hotel  in
                                                                     our town.  The hotel  is
           8  What  is  in front of the supermarket?
                                                                     ________to th e ______
                                                                     and         . the post

        6   Put the words in order to make questions                 office.
           (1-8). Find the answers (a-h).
                                                                     There _       . two cafés.
           1  Mr  can  speak  Jones  French  ?
                                                                     The          is  between the cafés.
              violin  you  the  can  play  ?
                                                         □       I  can talk about places in a town and say
                                                                 where they are.
              mother  can  your  a    game  computer
              play ?                                             ■  Yes         ■  I  need  more  practice

              dog   can  song  your   a  sing  ?
                                                                                               . play tennis,
              Lily  ride  can   bikes  and   Robbie  ?

              bag   heavy  can  this  I  carry ?                                                play the guitar.

              find  camera  we  the    can  ?
                                                         □                                     _English?

              run   like   Peter  can  wind  the  ?

           a  No,  it can't,        e  Yes, you  can.
           b  Yes,  he can.          f  Yes, they can.           I can say what I can and can't do.
           с  No,  she can't,       g  Yes,  I  can.             ■ I  Yes      ■  I  need  more practice
           d  No,  he can't.        h  No, we can't.
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