Page 53 - Ratti Group - Sustainability report
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processes and the saving of resources come together in the project Ratti for Responsibility, which is real testimony to the commitment of the whole company through the ethical behav- iour of each member (see paragraph 4.3 “Less resources consumed, a better future”).
In terms of daily praxis, the management of environmental impact is focused, in particular, on the optimisation of the use of resources and the reduction of waste in a context of con- tinuous improvement.
For this reason, the Ratti Group is implementing a partnership network (see chapter 5, Box “Partnerships that do good“) aimed at reusing discarded textile material as secondary raw material, and is launching energy e ciency initiatives in the production processes.
4.1 Knowledge for continuous improvement
The analysis of environmental impact
In carrying out its activities, the Ratti Group is committed to promoting, among the princi- ples set out in its Code of Ethics, environmental protection, with the aim of guaranteeing the environmental sustainability of its activities.
The Ratti Group considers environmental protection and energy e ciency to be part of its business values and, with this in mind, seeks to raise the awareness of those parties that come into contact with the Group.
In order to manage and reduce the environmental impact of the use of energy and water, as well as emissions of polluting gases or gases with a greenhouse e ect, each company in the Ratti Group operates autonomously, in accordance with its business model for managing and organising its activities and policies, and in compliance with the local regulations governing
Ratti S.p.A.’s environmental policy.
To choose and use equipment, resources, materials and substances in a rational manner, taking into consideration their impact on the environment and their potential risks to health and safety, with particular regard to mechanical, chemical and manual handling risks;
To operate with the logic of a circular economy, limiting the use of natural resources and the production of waste, focusing instead on the reuse and/or recovery of materials;
To select suppliers/ subcontractors on the basis of their ability to supply goods and services in compliance with the requirements and principles of the management system;
To promote organisational growth and orientate business
systems towards solutions that best protect the environment and reduce the consumption of energy and water;
To develop and extend information, communication, training and coaching processes and promote dialogue with internal and external stakeholders to guarantee the e ective and e cient application
of the company’s management information system;
To prevent any form of pollution, in particular air and water pollution;
To develop and update evaluation criteria for risks to health and safety in the workplace and to the environment, as well
as management procedures for emergency situations.
Information panels displayed inside the company