Page 54 - Ratti Group - Sustainability report
P. 54
environmental protection. Ratti S.p.A. and Creomoda S.a.r.l. have equipped themselves with environmental policies which aim to orientate business processes towards solutions that ensure the maximum protection of the environment and reduction of consumption.
In 2017 the Ratti Group, starting with the factory premises at Guanzate, initiated the process of evaluating the environmental impact of its own activities.
This decision was taken in view of the fact that the Group’s production capacity is concen- trated predominantly in Ratti S.p.A. and assuming, therefore, a lower impact from the other production sites in Tunisia and Romania.
The environmental aspects of interest are: industrial water discharges and runo water, haz- ardous substances or materials (chemical products) and production waste (whether hazard- ous or not).
Emergencies were subjected to a separate evaluation, although this was similar to that car- ried out for environmental aspects, hypothesising the most severe environmental e ects. The list is not intended to be exhaustive with regard to other possible scenarios that could lead to a potential environmental emergency.
The principal internal emergencies for which an environmental evaluation was carried out are, in order of seriousness: fire, spillages of chemical substances, emissions of refrigerant gases with a greenhouse e ect, and leaks, escapes or explosions of methane gas.
Those external emergencies, albeit externally generated, with a possible onsite environmen- tal impact are: flooding, exceptional meteorological events, external fire emergencies, earth- quakes, and road tra c accidents resulting in spillages of auxiliary chemical substances. From an analysis of risks and opportunities it is possible to draw some conclusions as to the assets mostly involved.
With regard to risks, the most significant e ects on tangible assets are those on environ- mental and economic performance, while for intangible assets the main risks include loss of market or competitiveness, damage to image or to reputation, economic damage or penal- ties, internal impact on confidence, allegiance or loyalty.
The tangible assets that o er the best opportunities are represented by the development of new eco-compatible products and services and by better environmental performance, while intangible assets include improving competitiveness, promoting the company’s image and better relationships with stakeholders.
On this basis Ratti S.p.A. has developed its System of Environmental Management in accord- ance with the standard ISO 14001:2015 (see chapter 3, paragraph “A commitment anchored in the most advanced standards”) which, through a series of actions that have already been implemented, governs most of the risks that have arisen.
On the basis of the provisions of ISO 14001:2015, the management annually approves the Improvement Plan, which consists of the main objectives and actions selected on the basis of feasibility and their priority for Ratti S.p.A. The actions are listed in detail and by topic in the following paragraphs.