Page 84 - Ratti Group - Sustainability report
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Ratti has undertaken a journey that has led it to obtain important certifications, recognised internationally, relating to environmental management and social responsibility
tasks in relation to the ICRMS. Other control bodies include the Supervisory Body, the Board of Statutory Auditors and the Director Responsible.
To maximise the e ciency of the ICRMS and coordinate the activities of those involved Ratti S.p.A., in compliance with the Code of Conduct, has specifically separated control activities and has implemented various organisational practices, such as annual board meetings, regular reporting to the B.o.D., the participation of the relevant parties in meetings of the Control Com- mittee, and the implementation and maintenance of the management system.
The prevention of corruption and respect for privacy
The Group’s Code of Ethics sets out rules for conduct while doing business, with the aim of preventing instances of corruption. In terms of privacy and the fight against corruption, all companies in the Ratti Group comply with the prescriptions of the national regulations in force. In particular, in terms of the fight against corruption, Ratti S.p.A. has adopted its own manage- ment and control model in accordance with Legislative Decree 231/2001. It is available on the Company’s website.
When carrying out its activities, Ratti S.p.A. complies with the legislation in force on privacy, identifying the relevant parties on the basis of the regulations and providing them with appro- priate instructions in this regard.
Ratti S.p.A. provides individuals who have the right to privacy – and who may interact with the Company in various ways (e.g. as employees, customers etc.) – with the information set out in article 7 of Legislative Decree 196/2003 and – where required by the law relating to the way data is processed – seeks the individuals’ consent.
The Company has therefore launched a revision and compliance process, with the aim of aligning its conduct with the European regulations governing privacy that will enter into force during the first half of 2018.
In 2017 no non-compliant behaviour was identified in respect of compliance with the princi- ples/regulations relating to corruption and privacy.
6.5 Prevention is the key: the Business Risk Model
The Ratti Group has carried out a detailed evaluation of all areas of risk relating to the stra- tegic objectives of sustainability. This analysis did not reveal any risks which were very likely to materialise.
Principal risks relating to the environment
Within the environmental matrices the analysis identified those risks with the greatest po- tential environmental impact, such as the risk of water pollution and the risks associated with the process of managing significant environmental risks such as the management of hazard- ous materials (chemical products) and the production of waste (whether hazardous or not).
Organisational model and monitoring policies
The Group enacts the policies set out in the paragraphs dedicated to the environment. In addition, it should be noted that Ratti S.p.A. has implemented a system to manage environ-