Page 85 - Ratti Group - Sustainability report
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mental protection which complies with the standard ISO 14001:2015 in terms of policies, manuals, procedures and instructions.
Principal risks relating to people
Within the matrix, the risk with the greatest impact in relation to people is the risk of the ab- sence of safeguards and the protection of the health and safety of workers in the workplace.
Organisational model and monitoring policies
The Group enacts the policies described in Chapter 2, paragraph 2.3 “Health and safety, a top priority”.
It should be noted that with the aim of preventing potential situations in which safeguards are absent, Ratti S.p.A. has implemented a system to manage health and safety in the work- place which complies with the standard OHSAS 18001 in terms of policies, manuals, proce- dures and instructions..
Principal risks relating to the fight against corruption
Within the matrix, the risk with the greatest impact in relation to the fight against corruption is the possibility of company representatives committing an illegal act which, in particular, is significant from a legal and/or criminal point of view.
Organisational model and monitoring policies
The Group enacts the policies described in paragraph 6.4 “Clear rules in line with legislation”. It should also be noted that the Ratti Group has implemented a series of organisational and procedural measures aimed at averting the risks of crimes being committed and, in particu- lar, the risk of corruption.
As just one example, the Code of Ethics has been introduced, while in Ratti S.p.A. the organ- isational model complying with Italian Legislative Decree 231 regarding corporate responsi- bility (MOG 231/01) has been introduced.
Principal risks relating to the process and the product
The analysis of social aspects identified two types of risks with the greatest impact: those relating to the process and those relating to the product.
The first type includes risks relating to the behaviour of actors along the supply chain, in- cluding an increase in fraudulent behaviour, suppliers paying insu cient attention to best sustainable procurement practices, along with the related reputational risks.
The second type includes environmental risks linked to products or production processes along the supply chain. In this case the analysis identified and defined those risks with a high environmental impact relating to the composition of the products, the consumption of non-renewable resources, and the presence of harmful substances.
Organisational model and monitoring policies
The Group implements the policies described in Chapter 3, paragraph 3.4 “A commitment anchored in the most advanced standards”.
In addition, it should be noted that Ratti has implemented various initiatives aimed at avert- ing the risks associated with the behaviour of actors along the supply chain.
The most important of these is the requirement for suppliers to subscribe to the Code of