Page 87 - Ratti Group - Sustainability report
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Ethics, to which has been added a request for suppliers to complete the self-evaluation ques- tionnaire in accordance with the standard SA 8000, as well as the carrying out of a number of audits, once again in compliance with the above standard.
The model for managing the supply chain also considers the medium-to-long-term impact across the supply chain of the value, which is as much economic as it is environmental and social.
With regard, however, to the reduction in the environmental impacts of products and pro- cesses, in the last few years the Company has developed research and development activities dedicated to this topic. This has resulted in the creation of the first Responsible Collection (see chapter 4, paragraph 4.3 “Less resources consumed, a better future”) and an ongoing partnership with suppliers to develop solutions that comply with the high standards of safety and environmental impact required by the Group.
Principal risks relating to human rights
The principal risks relating to this aspect of Ratti’s business are risks associated with child labour and forced labour.
Organisational model and monitoring policies
The Group enacts the policies described in Chapter 3, paragraph 3.3 “A process that creates value”. In addition, it should be noted that Ratti S.p.A. and Creomoda are SA 8000 certified.
Finally, as set out in the Code of Ethics and with reference to the Policy for Social Respon- sibility, the Ratti Group is committed to preventing and to opposing all situations involving exploitation in the workplace, and in particular child labour, by conducting specific audits on its own structure and through careful selection of its suppliers (see chapter 2, paragraph 2.6 “Rights are an asset for everyone”).