Page 82 - Sustainability Report 2019
P. 82

                    RATTI FOR RESPONSIBILITY
THE CRITERIA OF THIS REPORT | Methodological note
  Methodological note
Perimeter, purpose and contents of
the Sustainability Report and the 2019 DNF
Any organisation, in carrying out its activities, is constantly interacting, internally and externally, with customers, the community, institutions, other companies as well as individuals – the stakeholders – which has an impact on the socioeconomic context and the local area that is far beyond any economic dimension.
Directive 2014/95/EU, implemented through Legislative Decree 254 of 30 December 2016 (Legislative Decree 254/2016) introduced an obligation for large public-interest entities to declare, as from 1 January 2017, any non-financial information regarding, in particular, environmental and social aspects, as well as matters relating to personnel, the respect for human rights and the fight against active and passive corruption. The Decree also stipulates some general criteria for the structure and contents of the relevant document called Consolidated declaration of a non- financial nature (DNF)..
The Ratti Group is among the subjects included in the Decree, which is why this Sustainability Report complies with the obligations of the Decree, and constitutes the 2019 Consolidated declaration of a non-financial nature. The choice of broader reporting than for the topics specifically identified in Legislative Decree 254/2016 and subsequent amendments is born out of an awareness of the particular social and environmental significance of a company operating in the field of luxury and fashion.
The Sustainability Report was considered to be the ideal instrument for presenting to the stakeholders
the activities, projects and results achieved in the
2019 financial year (1 January to 31 December 2019) in economic, social and environmental terms, as well as initiatives undertaken and the commitments made with the principal stakeholders.
The data are reported with the goal of presenting a clear picture of the actions and the characteristics of the Group. The process of reporting information and figures has been structured in a way that guarantees comparability, with the aim of facilitating an accurate interpretation of the information and giving all stakeholders a complete overview of the trend of Ratti’s performance.
In this document, where necessary, a specific note has been added to indicate variations in performance data for 2017 and 2018.
The reporting perimeter is represented by the entire Ratti Group (Ratti SpA, Creomoda Sarl, La Maison des Accessoires Sarl, S.C. Textrom Srl, Ratti USA Inc. and Ratti International Trading (Shanghai) Co. Ltd., Ratti USA and Ratti International Trading (Shanghai) are excluded from the perimeter for environmental and social matters given the small number of people they employ – two employees for Ratti USA Inc. and two employees for Ratti International Trading (Shanghai) Co. – as well as their negligible environmental impact, given that they do not have production activities.
Since the 2018 DNF, the company La Maison des Accessoires was added, having been set up in March 2019.

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