Page 84 - Sustainability Report 2019
P. 84

                    RATTI FOR RESPONSIBILITY
THE CRITERIA OF THIS REPORT | Methodological note
objective of the proposal was to group similar themes which have received similar evaluations from both Ratti management and the external stakeholders. The material themes for which grouping is envisaged are:
• «safeguarding human rights» (topic GRI 412) and «the fight against child labour» (topic GRI 408) that have been merged into the new theme «safeguarding rights in the workplace»;
• «training and development of employees» (topic GRI 404) and «wellbeing of employees» (topic GRI 401) that have been merged into the new topic «wellbeing and development of employees».
In addition, it was decided to rename the topic associated with GRI 416 (Customer health and safety). This was changed from «product quality and safety» to «chemicals management».
The objective of this change was to emphasise the attention and care the Ratti Group pays to product
chemistry. This is also due to the significance which has emerged for this aspect from the fashion sector benchmark and the increasing attention paid to it by consumers.
All the proposed updates were approved by all the participants of the Working Group on Sustainability.
The figure representing the 2019 materiality matrix shows the ten material themes for the Ratti Group, which include and group the 19 GRI themes, as reported in detail in Table 1
Material aspects for the Ratti Group
With regard to the external perimeter of reporting
it should be noted that, in this document for 2019, reporting has not been extended to suppliers.
With regard to the internal perimeter of reporting it should be noted that the reporting of water withdrawal and discharges does not include Creomoda and La Maison des Accessoires. .
    Chemicals management
Compliance with laws and regulations
Reduction of environmental impact
Health and safety at work
Financial performance
   Responsible management of the supply chain
                                     Fighting corruption
Safeguarding rights
in the workplace
                        Safeguarding diversity and equal opportunities
Wellbeing and development of employees

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