Page 11 - Home Exercise Logic Gate_050719_Jawapan
P. 11

6.    Write a Boolean equation and logic circuit for each situation
                                i.   Amran will watch a HBO movie if Opah comes along and it does not rain.
                                                                     LOGIC CIRCUIT:
                                      W = Watch a HBO movie
                                      O = Opah comes along
                                      R =  Rain
                                      W= O . R’

                                ii.   The entrance door will be automatically unlocked if the time is within office hours (0800-
                                     1500), on a weekday (Monday-Friday) and it is not a public holiday.
                                                                     LOGIC CIRCUIT:
                                      U= unlocked
                                      T= Time
                                      W= Weekday
                                      H= Public holiday
                                            U= W.T.H’

                               iii.   Every participant must wear a red or yellow T-shirt, and a pair of dancing shoes to be
                                     eligible for the competition, but miniskirts are not allowed.
                                                                    LOGIC CIRCUIT:
                                      E= eligible for the competition
                                      R= Red T-shirt
                                      Y= Yellow T-shirt
                                      S= wear dancing shoes
                                      M=wear miniskirts
                                      E= (R+Y) . S . M’


                       a.  Determine a single logic gate to               b.  Determine a single logic gate to
                           replace the logic circuit below.                  replace the logic circuit below.

                                      NOR                                               NAND


                                         1. A’.B’ ≠ (AB)’

                                         2. A’+ B’ ≠ (A + B)’

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