Page 12 - Magalog-Test
P. 12
Our packs hit the hills running and be-
fore long, you couldn’t find a serious
hiker who wasn’t wearing one of our
packs. Everest, K2, Denali…. you name
the peak; our packs were on top.
LIMITS To accomplish our lofty goals, we had to fort set our packs apart in the early days.
Never had a piece of equipment changed
think outside the proverbial box. We sunk
money we didn’t have and countless hours
how far you could go so dramatically. We
OUR MOUNTAINEERING into designing innovative new suspension quickly realized that aside from hardcore
systems and frames that would Our goal was to mountain climbers, there was
ROOTS carry more weight than we’d climb higher and only one other group of people
Travel back with us 25 years when “hunt- ever need them to. The tricky stay on the moun- that required the type of packs
ing packs” weren’t a thing. There weren’t part was making the pack do tain longer than we were building – hunters.
packs specifically built to haul copious the work of hauling the weight others were doing. Some minor adjustments,
amounts of meat and horns off the moun- instead of our bodies. We’d build, test and new features, and a new camouflage cov-
tain and there definitely weren’t 20 dif- repeat for what seemed like years. As we ering later and Badlands® Hunting Packs
ferent camouflage pattern choices on the tinkered and experimented, the formula for were born. Here we are 25 years later and
shelf. Way back in the 80s and 90s, not how to comfortably carry large amounts of our mountaineering roots have grown into a
long after dinosaurs stopped roaming the weight came to fruition. Our packs hit the mighty tree that won’t be toppled – and for
earth, we were busy climbing mountains. hills running and before long, you couldn’t that, we thank you.
Our goal was to climb higher and stay on find a serious hiker who wasn’t wearing
the mountain longer than others were do- one of our packs. Everest, K2, Denali…. you
ing. This required a new way of thinking name the peak; our packs were on top.
and a new kind of backpack. Quality, functionality and most of all, com-