Page 5 - May 2020 Ulupono
P. 5

Sacred Distractions:
Connecting with one
another and God
By Todd Reese Director of Human Performance
Jesse Seibel joined Adventist Health Castle about a year and a half ago as the Director of Mission and Spiritual Care after serving as pastor of the Kailua Seventh-day Adventist (SDA) Church and Communications Director and Ministerial Director for the Hawai‘i Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. He now leads Castle’s team of hospital chaplains and oversees the community mission and volunteer programs. Together, his team serves patients and associates, and works to take the medical center’s mission beyond the walls of its facilities.
Jesse remembers that initially when he began working at Castle, he worried that he might be bothering people, especially if associates seemed busy or patients looked wary walking toward him. But now, he likes to call these visits “sacred distractions.” He
says these sacred distractions seem even more important during these times when hospital associates are working around the clock and when everyone is practicing social distancing. “There is a need for human connections with one another and with God,” he said.
Jesse’s department is working together with Human Performance and the Wellness Team to find creative ways to share connection, hope and love. Recently, the teams distributed apples and “banana grams” (bananas with encouraging messages like “you’re awesome”) and requested that associates share it with someone else. They’ve also handed out essential oils, vitamin packets, pizza, Easter candy, frozen meats, linen masks for home use, and cards to pass on to one another.
In addition to the food donations from local businesses, one local company donated supplies to make hand sanitizers, which the Wellness Team and Chaplains worked together to bottle and bless Castle associates.
“These are not just little ‘I thought of you moments,’ but are opportunities to listen to someone and build relationships,” Jesse explained.
Besides these special deliveries, there are programs that offer practical support: Adventist Health has set up the Rapid Relief Fund for associates who need assistance. Castle has also initiated a grocery relief program, offering a variety of foods through “Bistro to Go.” Chaplains are on call for patients, families, and associates as well.
“When times get tough and we are going through a crisis, like now, there can be
a feeling of loss,” said Seibel. “Many
are asking themselves, ‘where do I find meaning and connection?’ These programs are a chance to reconnect, and all we have to do is show up.”
He added that when they do these programs, they also hope to build and connect team members with one another. “We don’t focus on how much an associate connects with us, but how we can help fortify relationships with those around them.”
 Jesse (center right) prepares Associate Appreciation gifts with from left: Chaplains Emory Gaskins and Sara May Colon, and Wellness massage therapist Violet Coito.
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Associate support resources
For support and encouragement in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, please visit the COVID-19 Resources page on Connect for access to information on:
• Rapid Response Fund
• Work-life balance resources
• Virtual counseling through SyncTALK • Inspiration
Ă Daily Word: A 300-word reflection seven days a week
Ă Daily Connect: A 2-minute inspiration seven days a week
Ă Digital InterMission: A 12-minute virtual message every Tuesday
• Remote work guidance

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