Page 6 - May 2020 Ulupono
P. 6

Mahalo for Your Donation!
We are incredibly grateful for your recent donations of protective equipment, medical supplies, money, food, flowers and messages of support. These are uncertain times, and we especially appreciate your generosity and the commitment you’ve expressed to our medical staff and all of our associates.
Mahalo to these donors*
Adventist Malama Elementary Anderson, Erik
AMES School
Ashlock, Ryan
Bakhit, Jessica Barbadillo, Dayna Bissonnette, Marine Bob’s Pizza Burghardt, Scott Burton-Gates, Robin Castle Health Group Chang, Audrey Charles Seamster II Cheung, Alan MD Chock, Coby
Chun, Pastor Dan
Chun, Pam
Collins, Levi
Commercial Investment Strategies Consolidated Theaters
CPI Foundation Dave
Davison, Rich Dominos Kailua Enos, Jan
First Assembly of God
First Presbyterian Church
Forster, Matt
Gall, Kacie
Gasper, Trixy
Gavin, Mark
Glynn, Justine
Gold, Trudi
Harrington, Colia
Harry Chow & Nee Chang Chock Wong Foundation
Hatteras Press
Hawai‘i Chinese American and Local Community
We are working around the clock to deliver the highest quality patient care, while trying to stay healthy ourselves. Your donation helps all of us further our ability to succeed during this unprecedented health crisis.
Hawai‘i Pacific University COVID-19 Working Group
Hawaiian Islands Ministries
Hawaiian Islands Stryker
Hawaiian Mission Academy Ka Lama Iki Elementary
Hawaiian Mission Academy Windward Hiel, Joan
Ho, Keikilani
Hoffman, James
Hooker, Jeff
Hough, Jonathan & Candace Imoto, Robert
Iolani School
Jackson, Melissa
Jerky Labs
Johns, Charissa
Jorgenson, Sue
Kailua Dance Academy
Kalani High School Class of 1969 Kalapawai Market
Kauhi, Kaui
Ko’olau Distillery
Krater, Kelly
KTM Services
Lashed Up Studio
Laulani Dental Care
Le Jardin Academy
LeBlanc, Katherine
Lee, Patty
Leighton Lam Designs
Like, Yvette
Lilio, Shelly K.
Malahoff-Kamei, Melissa
Malama Hawai‘i Hospitals
Mamoru & Aiko Takitani Foundation Marten, Lisa
Marting, Mr. and Mrs. Brian T. McCormick, Bob
McKinley High School Class of 1969 Meadow Gold Hawai‘i
Thank you for being our partner. Your generosity and confidence in our work means the world to us. Thank you for playing your important role, too, by staying home and practicing good social-distancing and hand-hygiene practices.
With gratitude,
Adventist Health Castle’s Leadership, Support and Care Teams
Morata, Paula
Morrison, Mike
Nakahara, Clinton/Macys & Long’s Drugs O’Connor, Madeline
Opdahl, Peter J.
Otto, Donna
Pedwater Farm
Powell, Pam
Punahou Schools
Raethel, Kathy
Rodriguez, Jasmin
Roosevelt High School Class of 1969 Sakamoto, Dorothy
Sanchez, Auriz
Sandra Arashire
Shaw, Pastor Tim
Shuller, Frank and Jane
Spouses of Marine Corps Base Hawai’i Takitani Foundation
Tamaye Family
Tanaka, Ann
Thibaut, Kaiea
Thordarson, Heidar
Tomlinson, Rebecca
Walker, Melinda
Wong, Calvin
Wong, Cindy Kamiki
Wong, Ed, David and Reecie
Wong, Gordon
Yamada, Colette
Zaplan, Brion
Zippy’s Hawaii
*We apologize if you donated and your name is not on this list. We used the most current list of donations prior to publication of this issue. The list is constantly being updated and some donations have come in with illegible donor information that we are following up on. If your name is missing from the list, please call our Development Department at 808-263-5335.
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