P. 23
66. It is during these times that I, Oaa nabab yaa-NaNan Paa Nabab:
Yaa-Nanan, aMuN nabab rayay aaKaK Pah Amun Nabab
Rayay Aakhakh Ptah will stand up with wu-Nuwaup Wu-Nuwaup, the
power to Safuy Shafuy “Heal” and to release our own trapped baAaH-u
Baȧaḣ -u “Souls” of our own nasab-u Nasab-u “Relatives” trapped.
67. The many lies and opinions of deceitful preachers who stand up and preach
and teach what they themselves do not overstand, understand or have the right
outformation into this physical world of information; the blind leading the
68. With tricks passed on to them by master muNSaS-u Munshash-u
“Deceivers” who call it the religious truth, only lies of muKXab-u
Mukhzhab-u “Liars.”
69. It is during this most needing time that I will bring forth Oaa haqaqtal
haqaq-aat Paa Haqaqtal Haqaq-aat “The Actual Facts” and Oaa
Laraq Paa Ṫaraq “The Way” for Aayeh Karad-u Oaa nuwaup-
u Ȧayeh Kharad-u, Paa Nuwaup-u "My children, The Nuwaupians".
70. Giving what I incarnated to give, the Right Knowledge, the Right Wisdom
the Right Understanding leading to the correct Overstanding of Sound
Right Reasoning.
71. The whole world will know who I am and my coming down from marzaq
Marzaq “Rizq” as murzaq-un Murzaq-un “A Rizqiyian” and with
knowledge like none they’ve heard for 24,000 years.
72. I broke open what Daniel shut up and sealed until this time of the end.
73. With words of haqaq-aat Haqaq-aat “Facts”, Eadaq Ṡadaq “Truth”
and confirmation - a loud cry to my own lost tribe - to return what was never
meant for them, to wake from the spell of sleep of Lawi-Athan and his
74. I called out to all to see and hear saquLa saquLa Saquṫa, Saquṫa
“Fallen, Fallen” the new city of Babel is saaquL Saaquṫ “falling”.
75. Because of its jawedNus Jawednus “Wickedness” and dawaw-aat
Dawaw-aat “Evils”, it has become a place of many haunting of evil wicked
76. Those who lost the wings of their baAaH Baȧaḣ “Soul” and kaAaH
Kaȧaḣ -u “Spirits” unable to fly up, they are trapped as unclean smelly and
detestable mudwaw-u Mudwaw-u “Evil Ones, Devils” and Layaf Ṫayaf
77. And so many races and nations and countries have tried to live in the image of
the cursed seed of the fallen angelic beings: the sons of god who raped to birth
the muadaM-u salal Muadam-u Salal “Adamite’s Race” of jawed