Page 18 - GIADA-April-2018
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Mobile Devices Help

                                                            Dealership Service

                                                     Advisers Do Jobs Better

                                                               By Jim Roche, Senior Vice President-Marketing
                                                                       & Managed Services at Xtime

        Today’s consumers are surrounded by  customers about what services their cars  Car check-ins have sped up considerably,
        great technology-enhanced experiences. So  need while also showing them on-screen  solving a key customer concern of waiting
        dealers need to connect with customers and  recommendations.              at the dealership. Service reps now can
        deliver a more robust technology-enhanced                                 seamlessly integrate vehicle details from
        experience.                                     Employees at a Volvo      the tablet to the dealership-management
                                                   dealership in Kansas now       system and other systems.
        We need to look beyond the walls of the
        dealership to understand what consumers         meet customers with  Customers become more involved and
        like and expect.                     computer tablets in hand right       educated in the process, and they don’t feel
                                             when they arrive in the service      time is wasted in the check-in process.
        In fixed operations, this probably is even
        more important, as customers see the  lane. It completely changes the  Employees now meet customers with
        service side of the business more often than   customer-service dynamic.  tablets in hand right when they arrive in
        the sales side.                                                           the service lane. It completely changes the
                                             This growing use of tablets at dealerships is   customer-service  dynamic. Because  it is
        Yet, perhaps more than anywhere else in   improving the customer experience and the   an integrated experience, employees can
        the dealership, the fixed-ops experience is   customer’s relationship with the dealership.  see online appointment information, know
        where today’s technology may fall short.                                  why each customer is there and greet them
                                             Using tablets to interact with customers   by name. Customers appreciate this.
        Too often, when a customer wants to   allows for instant access to every car’s service
        have the undivided attention of service   history and previous recommendations,   “When you change from greeting customers
        advisers, their attention is stuck looking at   provides quick check-in and check-out and   with a hat tag and walking them to a desk,
        a computer on a desk, typing in data and   adds transparency to cost estimates.  to now greeting them with a tablet in
        reading back to the customer what is on the                               your hand, customers think that’s really
        screen.                              Using customer engagement tools to   cool,” says Mike Stone, service manager at
                                             provide updates on vehicles, including text   Premier Volvo.
        These impersonal interactions lead to   messages, status updates and in-lane and
        missed opportunities with customers and   online payments, can also aid in providing   “There is a cliche in the industry of service
        can impact satisfaction and retention.    an efficient and more-satisfying customer   managers staring at the computer creating
                                             experience.                          a barrier between you and the customer,”
        For years, the industry has been looking                                  Stone says. “Used correctly, technology
        for a better way to work with customers   An example of how quickly customer   removes that barrier and allows you to
        at this point in the process. Fortunately,   perceptions and experiences can change at   engage with customers and involve them in
        the introduction and progress of mobile   a dealership can be seen at Premiere Volvo   the write-up process.”
        devices over the past decade now enables a   Cars in Overland Park, KS.
        mobile-device-equipped service adviser.                                   Times have changed. Using a great
                                             It began a pilot program in 2017 that allows   technology-enhanced experience builds
        Now, instead of being inside a cubicle or   for easy service write-ups on tablets. This   loyalty in an age when everything centers
        stuck in front of a computer, service advisers   has made the walk-around process more   on the customer. n
        can meet their customers at their vehicles   accurate and enables the team to record
        with a computer tablet. They can quickly   customer questions and vehicle history in
        complete a walk-around and converse with   real-time.

        16  |  GIADA Independent Auto Dealer APRIL 2018
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