Page 50 - GIADA-April-2018
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        Bringing it Home

        Gubernatorial Candidate Cagle Tours Georgia

        By Jordan Head, Marketing and Public Relations Manager at GIADA

        “Am I the luckiest guy in the world?” These
        were Lt. Gov. Casey Cagle’s opening words
        about his family at the third stop of his
        campaign for governor at the Gainesville
        Civic  Center.  This  statement  set  the  tone
        for what was an emotional night for the
        lieutenant governor.

        On Sunday, March 11, Casey Cagle took
        the Cagle Country Tour to his backyard
        in Gainesville, GA to deliver a 16-minute
        speech. He spoke about matters such as
        education,  infrastructure,  workforce,
        business and poverty to a crowd of
        hundreds of supporters, some of who were
        GIADA board members.

        Billy Graham, Region II Vice President of
        NIADA and former President of GIADA,
        was one of many board members in
        attendance. He expressed that he believes
        Cagle’s humble upbringings will take him a                                expressed that Cagle wants to move the state
        long way as Georgia’s next governor.                                      to  a place of  greater  economic prosperity
                                                                                  where no one is left behind.
        “He wasn’t born with much,” said Graham.
        “His dad died when he was three years old                                 “Casey has a plan to help the state of
        and he was raised by his mom in a single-                                 Georgia grow and prosper,” said Biondo.
        parent household. He was taught great                                     “One of his most impressive points was
        principles and I know he’ll carry them as                                 how technical schools can make their estate
        governor. He has heart and a great work                                   more attractive by providing a world-class
        ethic.                                                                    work force.”
                                             vision for the state that’s strong on jobs and
        “Casey doesn’t believe everyone belongs in   businesses.                  According to Cagle, making sure Georgia
        the same mold,” he continued. “He thinks we                               has a world-class work force is one of the
        should be doing more for young people like  “Casey’s for the growth of the state,” said  state’s greatest tasks. He said he doesn’t
        supporting technical schools. He  doesn’t  Cavender. “He has a vision for helping  believe in a one-size-fits-all education
        like  cookie  cutter  solutions  and  he  has  a  young people get good, paying jobs. One  system. Conversely, he said education has
        broad  mind.  Casey’s  pro-business  for  the  point I  took was how  he’s been a part of  to  align  with  industry  needs  in  order  to
        state and I think he’ll work hard to continue  the state’s turnaround under Gov. Nathan  thrive, grow and penetrate the marketplace.
        to make Georgia one of the premiere places  Deal for the last eight years,” Cavender
        for job and business opportunity.”   continued. “Georgia’s currently the number  Cagle hopes to replace Gov. Nathan Deal,
                                             one business destination in the country.  who’s finishing his last term in office. He’ll
        Lee Cavender, long-time car dealer and  That doesn’t just happen overnight; it takes  face Brian Kemp, Clay Tippins, Eddie
        owner of Cavender Auto, was also present  leadership to get there.”       Hayes, Hunter Hill, Marc Urbach and
        at the rally. He expressed that he was                                    Michael Williams in the Republican Party
        very much impressed by Cagle’s speech  Hudson Biondo, long-time used-car dealer  primary  election  on May  22,  2018. For
        and his plans for the future. He said the  at MasterCars Auto Sales, said Cagle has  more information on Casey Cagle, visit
        lieutenant governor has a great long-term  laid down a totally achievable plan. He n

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