Page 13 - GIADA May-June 2020
P. 13


        Great Leaders Care for Their Employees

        How car dealers treat their staff now can make or break their post-COVID-19

        By Troy Blackwell, Chief Operating Officer of NuVinAir Global

        Despite  the  spread  of  the  COVID-19  healthy at work, and then defend your
        pandemic, true leaders make careful,  words with action.
        strategic and rational decisions for their
        businesses and people.               Support Your Community
                                             Many dealerships are finding creative
        At car dealerships, associate care should be  ways to help their communities in crisis.
        a top priority. How you treat sales managers,  The industry has a long history of stepping
        technicians, and customer-facing staff now  up when times are tough, and this global
        can make or break your reputation as a  pandemic has proven to be no different.
        company, well after the curve flattens and
        life resumes to a new sense of normalcy.  As chief operating officer, it’s heartwarming
                                             to watch our NuVinAir franchisees partner
        Respect Your Associates’ Health      with their local dealerships to provide free
        I’m hearing from industry connections  product and healthy vehicle treatments to
        that some dealership technicians are  first responders, medical professionals, and
        fearful of entering vehicles on the service  law enforcement agencies.
        drive. Understandably, not knowing who
        was  in the  vehicle  previously  has  many  We’ve also seen dealerships partner with
        professionals feeling on edge.       other essential frontline workers, including
                                             pharmacy and grocery professionals.
        How would you handle an employee who
        refused to enter a vehicle? Great leaders  Not only is giving back the right thing to do,
        listen to the concerns of their employees,  but it fosters a healthy dealership culture.   Yes, we are all stressed about meeting sales
        while poor leaders disregard them.  Give  your  associates  an  opportunity  to   quotas  and  making  payroll.  Yes,  there
        Remember that part of your responsibility  provide a shining light in their communities   is constant uncertainty about when this
        is  to protect  and reassure  your people.  and watch their workplace satisfaction   crisis will end and what life will look like in
        Their health is in your hands, especially  skyrocket.                     its aftermath.
        during this rapidly changing situation. It’s
        your job to really listen and put people at  Help Them Find New Roles     But treating your employees poorly will
        ease  through proper safety  precautions  If you are forced into letting employees go   only add to your anxiety, as well as to that
        and oversight.                       due to financial challenges, support their   of those around you, in this temporary
                                             career growth. Introduce them to people   situation.
        Implement New Policies               in your network who may be able to help.
        This may be obvious but be sure your  Offer outplacement services to position   Work hard to build a culture that is based on
        dealership  is following proper guidance  them for their next role.       caring service, not only for your customers,
        from the Centers for Disease Control                                      but for your associates. A compassionate
        and Prevention. Implement respiratory  Remember that you hired them in the first   environment breeds success and is a win-
        etiquette procedures, as recommended  place, so it’s your responsibility to give   win for everyone. n
        by the CDC and follow their business  them a hand during these unprecedented
        response guidelines.                 times. Check in with them weekly to see   Troy Blackwell is chief operating officer of
                                             how their families are doing and let them   NuVinAir Global, which offers a patented
        Give your staff – and customers, for that  know you are there to support them every   cleaning process, proprietary products and a
        matter – gloves and masks to reduce  step of the way.                     franchisee network serving U.S. dealerships.
        their risk of sickness. Sit down with your                                A 20-year automotive-industry veteran,
        technicians and let them know you’re  In the end, your reputation as a leader rises and   he previously worked for AutoNation and
        doing  everything  possible  to  keep  them  falls on how you treat people under your watch.  CarMax.

                                                                                  GIADA Independent Auto Dealer MAY/JUN 2020  |  11
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