Page 13 - MIADA-Q3-2022
P. 13


                                             As vehicles become increasingly advanced,  Not to pick on Tesla, but these issues are
                                             many OEMs are integrating technology  going to increase as OEMs start relying
                                             that includes the ability to upload  on OTA fixes. We need to address them
                                             software updates  by  over-the-air (OTA)  now, well before other factories subscribe
                                             methods. Tesla has been doing this since  to a model that does not protect vehicle
      Technology,                            its inception. But there are only so many  owners from dangerous recalls or promote
                                             repairs that can be solved from afar. While  consumer interests. Pre-owned Teslas
      Recalls, and                           it is great that some of these recalls can be  are showing up at dealerships. When
                                             accomplished without the customer going  those vehicles sell, the buyer becomes
                                             into a dealership, what happens when  second-generation. And, you know what?
                                             they can’t – or won’t? And, even when the  According to a recent article on Fox News,
         Inevitable                          vehicle owner wants to comply with the  pre-owned Teslas (both Model 3 and
                                             recall notice, does a factory-direct model  Model Y) are TWO of the five most desired
                                             accommodate service at a local level as a  vehicles as of May 2022. They are showing
       Challenges                            dealer does?                         up for sale at dealerships that do not have
                                                                                  technicians or equipment to recondition
                                             It is well known that there is a huge issue  them.
                                             with recall compliance — whether that
              BY SEAN REYES,                 is because the owner trashes the notice,  On the consumer side, electric vehicles
             RECALL MASTERS                  doesn’t have time, doesn’t care, can’t be  (EVs) cost 2.3 times more to service than
                                             reached– or whatever the reason may be.  internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles,
                                             How about second or third-generation  according to Automotive News. Simply
                                             owners that may never get notified?  installing charging stations is  upwards
                                                                                  of $220,000, which some OEMs are
                                             Consider what happens when the vehicle  mandating.
                                             dies from lack of electricity – it’s not like
                                             an OEM beam the car some more? What  I am certainly not saying that EVs are
                                             about when EV owners need to replace  bad, only that they add a new layer of
                                             their tires?  According  to  Automotive  challenge to recall repairs from every
                                             News, this is a big concern as dealerships  angle and that, without local dealerships
                                             and  tire  manufacturers  don’t  have  who can thoroughly assist consumers, we
                                             inventory for OEM or aftermarket tires.  need to reset our processes. Some dealers
                                             Can new tires be solved OTA? No. What  can’t afford to retrofit their dealerships to
                                             about the front trunk flying off while  OEM standards which, assuming everyone
                                             being driven? Can Tesla replace the  ends up with an EV, will force them out of
                                             front trunk OTA? No. I’m all in favor of  business.
                                             whatever is convenient for the consumer
                                             and which promotes safety – that  Then  we have  the  challenge of  servicing
                                             includes over-the-air updates and mobile  those vehicles that cannot be repaired via
                                             repair in the consumer’s driveway. Even  an OTA because the recall is physical and
                                             with EVs and the volume of software/  not software related. Then there is the
                                             electronics recalls associated with this  challenge of getting first-generation owners
                                             next generation of vehicles, we’ll still  to come in and get their EV recall repair
                                             service centers for more complex repairs  completed — which has been a challenge
                                             or those that require a lift.        for years with ICE vehicles. And now we are
                                                                                  seeing used EVs being sold which creates
                                             While EVs present a potential solution  more generations of owners. And these
                                             to environmental concerns, they are  second and third-generation owners are
                                             more expensive than combustion engine  that much harder to reach.
                                             vehicles. In and of itself, this presents
                                             a challenge. The lack of EV-trained  It’s kind of like that butterfly that flaps its
                                             technicians or nearby Tesla service  wings and creates a tornado on the other
                                             facilities  for most consumers  presents  side of the world. We don’t know where this
                                             challenges. It’s hard enough to get  phenomenon of circumstances will end up
                                             consumers to drive 5 miles to their local  or how OEMs will solve it. But people are
                                             dealership. How can we expect them  indeed dying because technology has failed
                                             to drive a potential 100 miles to get a  in their vehicles and, no matter how many
                                             “physical” recall fixed that cannot be  that number is, one is too many. Much less
                                             done OTA?                            three. n

                                                                                        MSIADA MISSISSIPPI DEALER Q3 2022  |  13
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