Page 26 - GIADA-Oct 2017-Final
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                                                                                     INSURANCE MONITORING

        NextGear Capital, Inc.
        888-969-3721                  Cal Amp Wireless                     Verifacto Inc.
        NextGear Capital is the industry’s leading   847-400-7943                 678-916-8311
        comprehensive provider of lending                 
        products, providing flexible lines of   GPS Tracking Devices
        credit for dealers to purchase new and   __________________________________  Verifacto technology is designed to improve
        used inventory at over 1,000 auto and                                     the way lienholders track the insurance
        specialty auctions and other inventory                                    compliance for its customers. The platform
        sources throughout the United States,                                     includes an interactive dashboard with built-
        Canada, United Kingdom and Ireland.                                       in email and SMS functionality, enabling
                                                                                  auto dealer and auto finance companies
                                                                                  to send payment reminders and insurance
                                                                                  notices to customers in the event that
                                             ITURAN USA Inc.                      they have a lapse in payment or cancel an
        PrimaLend Capital                                  existing insurance policy without selecting a
        972-239-6668                         Ituran USA, Inc. offers solutions for   replacement.                        wireless vehicle tracking, recovery, and   10% discount to all GIADA dealer
        PrimaLend Capital is a privately owned   personal attention applications.   members. For new customers only
        commercial lender, providing no-hassle   __________________________________
        revolving lines of credit and inventory                                     INSURANCE/SURETY BONDS
        floor plans to independent auto dealers   Passtime
        and finance companies nationwide.    877-PASSTIME
                                             Vehicle Tracking
           GPS TRACKING - PAYMENT            __________________________________
              PROTECTION DEVICES             SkyPatrol LLC                        Absolute Surety LLC
                                             800-369-5007                         407-674-7940
                                             GPS Tracking Software, Vehicle Tracking,   Surety Bonds
                                             and Mobile GPS Tracking              10% discount for members
                                             __________________________________   __________________________________
         ARA GPS
        ARA GPS Systems
        770-871-0051                         Spireon, Inc.                           855-867-2684
        All trackers locate, but ours is the ONLY                   Agency @ Mallory
        GPS SYSTEM available that can help   A trusted industry leader with over 3   706-350-5465
        you find your collateral even if your   million active subscribers, Spireon’s
        customer has tampered with the device!   GoldStar GPS offers worldclass   The Mallory Agency is a garage & dealer
        Compatible with any internet enabled   reliability and delivers simple-to-use,   blanket specialist for independent dealers.
        device and VOTED BEST SMARTPHONE     web-based tools that automate a range of   We insure all dealers no matter what size
        APP! Find out how much more SVR      manual tasks, saving you time and money.  or amount of inventory you have. Our
        Tracking can do for you beyond basic   Call (855) 867-2684 or visit   executive, Brian Thompson, spent 23 years
        locate. Call or text Larry Carter at 770-  to receive a special introductory offer.  in the automotive world & understands
        871-0051. Email or   __________________________________  your business better than any agent
        visit us at                                                around. For a quick evaluation or an in
        Buy one GPS device, Get one Free!                                         depth dive into your store, please give
        Eligible for first time GIADA Members &   Stars GPS                       Brian a call. He is a CWCA as well.
        new ARA GPS Customers.               877-828-4770                         __________________________________
                                                           American Risk Services
                                             The longest running GPS partner of   678-366-7279
                                             NIADA; Education for Compliance,
                                             Disclosure, and Best Operating/      Customized Collateral Insurance for
                                             Collection practices.                BHPH Dealers & Finance
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