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NextGear Capital Shares Advice for

                         Independent Dealers in 2022

                        NextGear President Scott Maybee outlines three key

                               areas for future opportunities and growth.

                                                        By ADT Staff
        Despite predictions by industry experts  expects the industry will continue to thrive  3.  Finding the right funding balance
        that independent auto dealers would not  all the way through 2023.           – Whether it’s operational working
        fare well during the pandemic, they have                                     cash or floor plan financing, having
        largely survived and, in some cases, even  “Despite macroeconomic factors  that are   cash  on  hand  allows  dealers  to act
        thrived. And, while there will be room for  beyond anyone’s control, independents can   quickly when they find the right
        more growth in the year ahead, they must  still take command over how they navigate   inventory or opportunity to enhance
        continue to evolve to take advantage.  the road ahead,” Maybee explained. Here   their  dealerships.  Successful  dealers
                                             are a few areas where independent dealers   minimize  operational  risks  by
        “I’ve been in the automotive industry for  have opportunities:               balancing cash and credit to maintain
        more than 15 years and, hands down, this is                                  and grow their businesses. An inventory
        one of the most unusual markets I have ever  1.  Relentless sourcing – New car   strategy based solely on available cash
        seen,” remarked Scott Maybee, president of   production is low, there are fewer lease   will both limit purchasing power and
        NextGear Capital. He sees some distinct   returns making it into the wholesale   the ability to make needed business
        challenges for independent dealers in 2022,   market, and fleets are competing for   moves, especially in an unpredictable
        but also some unique opportunities.      used car supply instead of adding to it;   environment with higher prices.
                                                 all contributing to an inventory deficit   With the right floor plan, dealers can
        Studies by Cox Automotive reveal that    in the used car sector. As a result, used   use  the  extra  cash  flow  to improve
        dealer sentiment remains optimistic. The   car  dealers  will  want  to  have  a  firm   infrastructure, hire a needed employee,
        market outlook index was down slightly   grasp on what their customers are   invest in technology or otherwise put
        from Q2 to Q3, but still high and, more   looking  for  and  be  relentless  about   it to work to ensure they’re running
        importantly, above levels recorded in Q3 of   finding it. That means expanding their   efficient and profitable businesses.
        2020 and 2019. The profits index also saw a   sourcing horizons, whether it’s live or
        slight improvement compared to the prior   online auctions, other digital sources,  “Our data projects retail volume for
        quarter, although independent dealer profit   the general public, other dealers, or  independent dealers will grow in the
        reporting was flat from Q2 to Q3; likely due   any other source.          coming year, and dealers will need to be
        to increased expenses versus Q2.     2.  Take  advantage  of technology  ready to adapt in order to capitalize on this
                                                 options  – Dealers will want to  growth. Taking advantage of every source
        Key drivers for anticipated growth in the   embrace  technology  to  tap  into  the  of available inventory, digital channels and
        used car sector are fewer peer-to-peer   rich data that’s available to guide their  ensuring they have the capital needed to do
        transactions, resulting in greater volume   decision making. By using platforms to  it all will be key,” said Maybee. “As today’s
        for dealers, and a growing supply of used   determine the right inventory, where  consumers look for more value-conscious
        inventory in the 5-12 year-old range, which   to find it, how much to pay for it, and  buys, the independent dealer stands to
        has aged out of a lot of franchise models   how to price it, it will lead to smart  gain.” n
        but still has plenty of service life left. For   acquisition strategies and pricing
        these reasons and more, NextGear Capital   decisions.

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