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supervised institutions that the use of  for the Northern District of Ohio granted   COMPLIANCE TIP
        U.S. dollar LIBOR panels will end on June  the  motion. The buyer argued that the
        30, 2023. The agencies also reiterated their  dealership violated TILA by improperly  How do you handle negative equity on your
        expectations that financial institutions with  crediting  her  down  payment  to  the  deals?   Although our Case of the Month
        USD LIBOR exposure should complete their  negative equity on her trade-in rather  was favorable to the dealer, it highlights the
        transition of  remaining LIBOR contracts  than to the purchase price of the BMW.  importance of properly handling negative
        as soon as practicable. The agencies stated  The court found that the RISC clearly  equity in the transaction.   In this case, the
        that failure to adequately prepare for  provided that her down payment was  court found that dealer’s Retail Installment
        LIBOR’s discontinuance could undermine  applied to reduce the negative equity on  Sales Contract clearly provided that down
        financial stability and institutions’ safety  the Jeep. Moreover, the court found that  payment was applied to reduce the negative
        and soundness and create litigation,  even if there was a TILA violation, the  equity.   However, the Truth in Lending Act
        operational, and consumer protection  one-year statute of limitations ran on  and Regulation Z provide two acceptable
        risks. Two days after the issuance of the  the buyer’s claim five months before she  methods for disclosing negative equity on
        joint  statement,  the  Consumer  Financial  brought  this  action.  Therefore,  the  TILA  the RISC – known as the “netting” or “non-
        Protection Bureau issued an interim final  claim failed. The buyer also argued that the  netting” methods.  You’ll want to make sure
        rule, effective May 15, 2023, which amends  dealership violated the FDCPA. The court  you’re doing it right like this dealer.  Time to
        Regulation Z to reflect the enactment of the  found that because the FDCPA governs  call or text your knowledgeable compliance
        Adjustable Interest Rate (LIBOR) Act and  the conduct of debt collectors and there  lawyer! n
        its implementing regulation promulgated  were no allegations that the dealership
        by the Federal Reserve Board. The interim  participated in the collection of the buyer’s  Eric ( is a Partner
        final rule is intended to facilitate the  debt, the FDCPA claim also failed. Finally,  in the law firm of Hudson Cook, LLP,
        transition of consumer loans that currently  the buyer alleged that she was entitled to  Editor in Chief of’s
        use the LIBOR index to other replacement  rescind the transaction under the OCSPA.  Spot Delivery®, a monthly legal newsletter
        indices.  Comments  on  the  interim  final  Because the court dismissed the federal  for  auto  dealers  and  a  contributing
        rule are due within 30 days after the date of  claims, it declined to exercise jurisdiction  author to the F&I Legal Desk Book.  For
        publication in the Federal Register.    over the state law claim. See  Barnes v.  information, visit
                                             Santander Consumer USA, Inc., 2023 U.S.  © 2023, all rights
        On April 26, the  Consumer Financial  Dist. LEXIS 47903 (N.D. Ohio March 21,  reserved. Single publication rights only to
        Protection Bureau’s Office of Research  2023).                            the Association.  HC# 4858-2456-5854.
        issued a blog post and working paper
        on the incidence of civil judgments and
        implications for consumers, including
        wage garnishment and asset seizures.

              CASE(S) OF THE MONTH               It’s time to change

        Applying Down Payment to Negative        your approach to F&I compliance
        Equity on Trade-in Rather than to        with this special offer...
        Price of Vehicle Aligned with RISC’s
        Language and Did Not Violate TILA:       Subscribe to Spot Delivery  and, at no
        An individual bought a used BMW from     additional charge, we will send you a
        a BMW dealership. In connection with     copy of your choice of any of
        the purchase transaction, the buyer traded   our legal compliance books,
        in her Jeep on which she owed $4,775     CARLAW , CARLAW II
        more than the Jeep’s value. The dealership                      ®
        applied the buyer’s $2,000 down payment   Street Legal or CARLAW  Reloaded.
        to the negative equity on the trade-in and                                     To order, visit us at
                                                                     January/February 2019
        rolled the remaining $2,775 in negative    Vol. 21, Issue 7  Delivery  ®
        equity into the new financing. The buyer     SPOT         CounselorLibrary ® , publisher of
        sued the dealership and the assignee of her   A Monthly Legal Update for Auto Dealers and Finance Companies from  IN THIS ISSUE:  or call us at 877.464.8326.
                                                    Dealers Are from Mars, Finance Companies
        retail installment sale contract for violating,   DEALER/BANK RELATIONS    5   Federal Law       Also follow us on 000000
                                                                      What Access Problems?
                                                                      By Thomas B. Hudson

                                                    Are from Venus

                                                                      Vendor’s Single Interest
        among  other  laws,  the  Truth  in  Lending   By Thomas B. Hudson*    6   Insurance Issues
                                                    Over the years, I have represented both dealers who enter into retail
                                                                      Insurance—Important Pesky Details

                                                    installment contracts and the banks and finance companies that buy the

                                                                      By Elizabeth C. Yen
                                                    RICs from the dealers. In working with folks from both sides of this

        Act, the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act,   divide, I quickly concluded that, in viewing dealership financing, the     8   Privacy
                                                    dealers were looking through one end of the binoculars, while the banks
                                                                      The Brand-New Right to Privacy in

                                                    and finance companies were looking through the other end.
                                                     I’ve found that there are few dealers who understand that, in a typical
                                                                      By Patricia E.M. Covington

        and  the  Ohio  Consumer  Sales  Practices   RIC transaction, the dealer is the creditor. Many (most?) dealers feel that      10   Commentary
                                                    they are in the business of selling cars and that the financing of those sales
                                                    transactions is the job of the bank or finance company, entities that dealers
                                                                      Post-Election Musing
                                                     regularly erroneously refer to as “lenders.” These dealers might consider

                                                                       By Michael A. Benoit

                                                     buyers and in getting the RICs and other related documents signed by
        Act. The dealership moved to dismiss the     themselves as agents in gathering credit and other information from car    11 Arbitration

                                                                       Arbitration Clause in Vehicle Retail
                                                     the buyers. But, if you asked these dealers if they financed their buyers’
                                                                       Installment Contract Applies to

                                                                       Buyers’ Defamation Claim Against

        complaint, and the  U.S. District Court      purchases, they would deny it.  (see DEALER/BANK RELATIONS, page 2)           Salesperson
                                                                       By Latif Zaman
                                                     Words (and Texts) Matter: When “As Is”
                                                     WARRANTY LAW     12   Jurisdiction
                                                                       Sued Out of State?

                                                     Does Not Mean “As Is”
                                                                       By Nicole F. Munro
                                                     By Catharine S. Andricos and Christopher J. Capurso*       13   Marketing
                                                                       Like to Live Dangerously? Have I
                                                      When you sell something “as is,” what do you generally understand
                                                      that to mean? Our guess is something along the lines of “what you see is          Got a Deal for You!      MSIADA MISSISSIPPI DEALER Q2 2023  |  13

                                                                        By Eric L. Johnson
                                                      When a used car is sold “as is,” the Federal Trade Commission requires

                                                      the dealer to post a Buyer’s Guide on the car, with a checkbox indicating            Protection Bureau
                                                      what you get.”     14   Consumer Financial
                                                      that the car is sold “AS-IS – NO DEALER WARRANTY” (along with a
                                                                        CFPB Watch
                                                      statement—“THE DEALER DOES NOT PROVIDE A WARRANTY
                                                                        By Michael A. Benoit
                                                      FOR ANY REPAIRS AFTER SALE”). In a recent case, a federal district
                                                               (see WARRANTY LAW, page 3)
                                                            Copyright © 2019, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction Prohibited.
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