Page 7 - MIADA-Q2 2023
P. 7
Data Shows Importance of
Online Merchandising
By UsedCarNews
Cox Automotive provided data that shows Management Solutions brand. “Shoppers dealership before purchasing a
today’s car shoppers are formulating most are no longer just weeding out their vehicle.
of their decisions before stepping foot in a options. They are now selecting which • Shoppers are looking at dealerships
dealership, making online merchandising vehicle they are interested in purchasing— up to 100 miles beyond their local
more important than ever before. With all based on online merchandising— geographies.
these dynamics limiting dealers’ ability increasing the importance for dealers to
to influence decisions in person, they’ll capture their attention earlier than ever Consumers’ online expectations have
need to reexamine their merchandising before.” been elevated by the superior experiences
strategies to capture more shoppers of innovative companies like Amazon,
further upstream. The growing importance of online digital auto retailers and national dealer
merchandising is driven by the following groups who are leading the way in the
“The fact is that consumers aren’t visiting industry data and trends: automotive space. Winning online
as many dealerships as they did even a few • 80% of shoppers are open to the idea shoppers’ decisions today requires
years ago, so merchandising is now how of buying completely online. dealerships to embrace merchandising in
they experience vehicles,” explains Nathan • 74% of shoppers compared cars only new ways so that they not only win the de-
Fox, assistant vice president, Operations online when searching for a vehicle . selection (or browsing) battle, but also the
for vAuto, a Cox Automotive Inventory • 41% of car buyers visited only one final selection. n
Mobile Dealer