Page 67 - GIADA Aug2017Digital
P. 67


        NIADA Sets Convention Attendance Record


        For the second year in a row, the NIADA
        Convention and Expo was the largest ever.
        The National Independent Automobile
        Dealers Association highlighted that the fi-
        nal count is in, and it shows this year’s con-
        vention, held June 12-15 at The Mirage in
        Las Vegas, edged the 2016 total for most at-
        tendees in the 71-year history of the event.

        Overall attendance was up for the fifth con-
        secutive  year,  and  the  number  of  dealers
        was also up from last year. And just as in
        2016, nearly 20 percent of those attending
        the 2017 convention did so for the first

        Among attendees who responded to NIA-
        DA's post-convention survey, the associa-
        tion reported:
        •   98 percent said they were satisfied with
            the event
        •   88 percent said the convention met   got their money’s worth — 84 percent of re-  Just as it surpassed its record-setting prede-
                                             spondents to the exhibitor survey rated the  cessor in attendance, the 2017 convention
            their objectives
        •   94 percent said  the information pre-  value of their NIADA Convention experi-  topped the 2016 event with more sessions
                                             ence “excellent” or “good.”
            sented was very useful                                                on more topics than any previous NIADA
        •   98 percent said the speakers and panel-  Alvlis Tabaks of Elva DMS said his compa-  Convention. That included for the first
                                                                                  time a dedicated area of focus on certified
            ists were very prepared and more than   ny exhibited at NIADA’s event for the first  pre-owned, as well  as sessions addressing
            three-fourths gave the sessions “good”   time and “the experience we got there was  retail, compliance and an even more exten-
            or “excellent” ratings.
                                             beyond our expectations.             sive buy-here, pay-here component.
         In addition, the survey also showed:  “The event structure was perfect and gave  In addition to keynote speaker Captain
        •   95 percent said they are likely to attend   the right balance between the sessions and  Richard Phillips — inspiration for the hit
            future NIADA events
        •   96 percent said they are likely to rec-  the expo,” Tabaks continued. “So we man-  movie Captain Phillips — the featured
                                             aged to get useful information from indus-
            ommend NIADA events to others                                         speakers included many of the top names
        •   99 percent said they plan to engage   try experts and had enough time to interact  in the used vehicle industry, beginning with
                                             with attendees at our booth.”
            with NIADA in the future                                              NIADA's own Chuck Bonanno and Shaun
                                             The  exhibitors  gave  the  convention  a  90
        “An awesome investment in my business,"   percent overall satisfaction rating, while  Others included leadership trainer Dave
        wrote Larry Schmidt of Countryside Auto   95 percent approved of the level of deci-
                                                                                  Anderson, TrueCar CEO Chip Perry, Cox
        and Cycle in Fond du Lac, Wis. “Four days   sion-makers among  the attendees  and 90  Automotive's Janet Barnard, attorney Tom
        of  industry-specific  training  along  with   percent said they are likely to be back to  Hudson, KAR Auction Services chief econ-
        trade vendors to improve my business —   exhibit at the 2018 Convention and Expo –  omist Tom Kontos, FBI Special Agent Ed-
        that’s an investment every dealer should be   which will be held June 18-21 at the Rosen  ward Parmalee, AutoZone’s Ray Curry and
        making. I'll be back next year."
                                             Shingle  Creek  Resort  in  Orlando,  Fla.,  as  NABD president Ken Shilson, among many
        NIADA highlighted the 170-plus vendors   NIADA's biggest event leaves Las Vegas for  others. n
                                             the first time since 2009.
        and industry partners that exhibited in the
        60,000-square foot Expo Hall also felt they

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