Page 39 - Wurth Perfection
P. 39
The impregnation spray is also superb for treat- ing foot mats inside the car. This also protects the foot mats from getting soaked. 39
impregnation Perfect leather care and Cleaning and caring for leather seats Würth Leather Care I Art. No. 0893 012 9 is best applied onto leather seats in circular movements with a clean micro-active cloth. Regular use always keeps the OHDWKHU IUHVK DQG JLYHV LW WKH EHVW SURWHFWLRQ DJDLQVW H[WHUQDO LQÁXHQFHV Impregnation The impregnation spray I Art. No. 0893 032 100 is ideally suited to impregnating fabric tops on convertibl