P. 396
What can you expect in the certified wine least half of the menu is traditional meals of
stores? rural cuisine from fresh products and food
It does not have to be only a wine store, but, for according to the seasons, each with a recom-
example, a wine store linked with the informa- mended wine. The restaurant organizes spe-
tion centre, but with trained staff for wine pre- cial wine and culinary events at least twice a
sentation, sommelier needs and other services. year, e.g., a menu with more courses combi-
A certified wine store offers wine tasting of at ned with wines.
least two bottled wines for at least 7 months of What do the certified places of accommoda-
the year, from June to September, at least four tion offer?
days a week. In addition, regularly organizes or, Certified accommodation differs by wine
on order, arranges wine tasting or other progra- themes from regular hotels and guesthouses.
mmes. Offers at least 40 types of bottled and Connection with viticulture and wine is obvi-
clearly priced wines, where at least 70% comes ous at first look here. This accommodation is
from the Czech Republic and at least 30% from located either directly in the winery or by the
the given sub-region. You will often meet the wine cellar, wine store or restaurant oriented
offer of other regional products. at wine and their capacity does not exceed
What services do the certified restaurants 50 beds. You will get information about wi-
with wine or wine bars offer? nemaking in the region and an overview of
You will be presented with a bilingual food the main tourist and wine services and events
and drinks menu with a sufficient selection of from the staff. A matter of course is cleanliness
bottled wines, at least 20 wines from the given and a breakfast buffet. For many fans of wine
sub-region and at least four bottled wines by tourism, the logo is a sign of certainty that in a
the glass at a certified restaurant. A qualified certified facility they will; be provided with the
person will help you with their selection. At services they expect. ƅ