Page 13 - PNMRT AnnRpt 2020
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the business fully recovers from the lockdown. Manaaki has laid off staff and that is not an easy thing to do. We expect as we head into the summer season we could be operating at full capacity.
Our tourism business has taken a hefty knock but we have managed to retain our two full time staff built on the back of a very good season. We have adapted our programme and work with Māori Tourism, Wellington City Council and Wellington NZ to launch the “Shop Local” and holiday in Wellington promotion. In the 2019-2020 season we had 16 casual staff of which 9 were Te Atiawa/Taranaki Whanui. We hope to see most of them return. The casuals are generally secondary school pupils or university students and this work is a real help to whānau.
In conclusion we look forward to another progressive year that we manage through the strange and difficult times. We are still uncertain what the world will bring but we remain positive and excited for our projects and the growth they bring to us all.
Ngā Mihi Nui
Liz Mellish, MNZM
Palmerston North Ma¯ori Reserve Trust