Page 2 - Alaskan Polar Bear Adventure 2018
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Join us for an exclusive journey to the Arctic to view the
majestic polar bear in its natural enrivonment. This
bucket list adventure attracts travelers from around
SPEND four days at the the world, and there is no better way to experience
it than with the knowledge of local guides and The
edge of the continent Nature Conservancy in Alaska.
OBSERVE and photograph In the fall, polar bears congregate around the village
of Kaktovik, Alaska, making it the premier base for a
the majestic polar bear viewing expedition. Polar bears come on land during
the fall to wait for the winter sea ice to form, which is
crucial for their hunting.
in a remote Alaskan village A small, isolated Inupiaq village, Kaktovik was
historically an important stop for traders and whalers.
For thousands of years its residents have survived off
LEARN how climate change the land, and the village has maintained most of its
is affecting Alaska native traditions and a subsistence lifestyle.
This unique Alaskan experience will take you to a place
rich in beauty and steeped in culture, where polar
bears and people have carved out an existence in the
frozen tundra.