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About the Author

               Amy Gillett has taught English as a Second Language (ESL) and
               Business English in the USA and in Europe. Amy is also the author
               of the bestselling Speak English Like an American series, which
               includes Speak English Like an American,  More Speak English

               Like an American, Speak Business English Like an American, and
               Speak Better Business English and Make More Money. Her writ­
               ing has appeared in Mad magazine, Family Circle, and  the San

               Francisco Chronicle, among other publications.

               Amy majored in Slavic Languages and Literature at Stanford Uni­
               versity and holds an MBA from Cornell University. She has stud­

               ied and worked in many countries, including Russia, the Czech
               Republic, and Italy. Having studied eight languages, she is sym­

               pathetic to the struggles of the language student.

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