Page 18 - EurOil Week 24
P. 18

EurOil                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                             EurOil

       Iran’s foreign minister says        territory and has an estimated price of   of understanding on establishing a
                                                                                joint venture company with the aim of
                                           540,000 levs ($312,300/276,100 euro), VAT
       gas flows to Turkey will            excluded, Bulgartransgaz said in a statement  developing greenfield investment projects in
                                                                                the country, Romgaz said.
                                           on June 15.
       resume by end of June               3.  The deadline for submitting offers is July   an electricity generation unit fuelled by
                                                                                  The two companies aim to develop
       Iranian gas exports to Turkey will resume   The second tender envisages provision of   natural gas (CCGT) and power generation
       by the end of June, Iranian foreign minister   project consultant services and construction   units based on wind and photovoltaic
       Mohammad Javad Zarif said on June 15 at a   supervision for an estimated price of   technologies, Romgaz said in a filing with
       press conference in Istanbul held jointly with   320,000 levs, VAT excluded.  the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB) on
       his Turkish counterpart Mevlut Cavusoglu.  Candidates have until July 17 to file their   June 11.
         Zarif said that he had received assurances  bids in the public procurement procedure.
       that repairs to the pipeline—closed since   The ranking of the participants in both   The investment projects will be financed
       March 31 after an explosion said by Turkish   procurement procedures will be made   from own capital as well as from external
       officials to be the result of a sabotage attack   on the basis of the most economically   sources through the joint venture company
       by the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK)—  advantageous offer, expressed as the   seeking to attract EU funds under the Green
       would be finished and that gas flows would   optimal quality/price ratio, according to   Deal founding mechanism and/or the
       be reinstated. Cavusoglu did not comment   objective indicators such as the period   available financing schemes in Romania.
       on the pipeline.                    of impementation and price parameters,   “It is an important investment at national
         The PKK has attacked the pipeline   Bulgartrnasgaz noted.              level and represents a first step towards
       several previous occasions, with subsequent   The interconnector between Bulgaria and   putting Romania on the EU map of green
       repairs then completed within a few days.   Serbia, which is expected to be completed   steel production. Such investments lead
       The failure to repair the pipeline promptly   in May 2022, is of key importance for the   to the horizontal development of many
       on this occasion has sparked speculation   implementation of the concept for the   economic sectors and, implicitly, motivation
       that Turkey is stalling repairs to pressure   establishment of a gas distribution centre   for Romgaz to increase its exploration-
       Iran to improve terms under which Turkey   in Bulgaria and it is one of the priority   production programmes,”  Romgaz CEO
       imports gas. State gas importer Botas,   projects of the High Level Group on Energy   Adrian Volintiru said.
       meanwhile, has been importing cheap   Connectivity in Central and South-East   The implementation period of such
       spot LNG cargoes in place of Iranian and   Europe (CESEC), the company said.  investment projects will last between three
       Russian gas.                           “The Interconnection Bulgaria-Serbia has  and a half years to 4 years.
         Turkey’s deputy energy minister   been declared a project of common interest   “Based on the agreement signed with
       Alparslan Bayraktar told a conference in   for the European Union. Its implementation   Romgaz today we will be able to deliver
       Istanbul in February that Turkey planned   is part of the government’s management   competitive energy on a long-term basis
       to use the availability of cheap spot LNG   programme in the energy sector, aimed at   required to sustain such a fascinating
       to persuade its long-term gas suppliers   ensuring energy security and diversification   project of low-emission steel production
       to lower their prices, S&P Global Platts   of sources and routes of natural gas supply,”   in Galati. I am very confident that the
       reported.                           Bulgartrnasgaz explained.            project will succeed and put Galati on the
         Ten days ago Iran’s NIGC said Tehran   Earlier this month, Bulgartransgaz said   map, not only in Europe but also at global
       rejected Ankara’s claim that the explosion   that it is seeking a bank credit of up to 400   level, as a low-emission steel production
       was a force majeure event. The company   million euro ($453 million) in order to   unit, sustainable, for a new era built for the
       said it expected gas flow to be restarted on   cover its operating and investment costs   generations to come,” Gupta Family Group
       June 21 at the earliest.            related to key projects in progress such as   Alliance (GFG Alliance) executive chairman
         Turkey imports gas from Iran under an   the construction of the Bulgarian section   Sanjeev Gupta said.
       agreement signed in 1996 for up to 10 bcm/  of TurkStream pipeline dubbed Balkan   Part of the GFG Alliance, Liberty House
       year until July 2026. It commenced in 2001   Stream, the interconnection Bulgaria-  Group completed the purchase of the steel
       and was later reduced to 9.6 bcm/year.  Serbia and the expansion of capacity of   mill in Romania’s Galati from Luxembourg-
                                           Chiren underground gas storage facility.   based multinational steel manufacturing
                                           The company has already published an   corporation ArcelorMittal in July.
       Bulgartransgaz opens tenders        invitation to tender for a bank loan with   business, registered in Singapore with
                                                                                  Liberty House Group is an international
                                           a repayment term of six years and interest
       for Serbian gas link                lower than 3.9%.                     headquarters in London, active in
                                                                                commodities, metals recycling, and the
       State-owned gas transmission system                                      manufacture of steel, aluminium, and
       operator Bulgartransgaz has launched   Romgaz, Liberty Galati agree      engineering products. It employs over
       the first two tenders related to the                                     19,000 worldwide.
       implementation of the project for   on joint investments                   The majority shareholder of Romgaz is
       construction of a gas link between Bulgaria                              the Romanian state with a 70% stake, with
       and Serbia.                         Romania’s natural gas producer Romgaz   the balance of 30% in free float on the BVB.
         The first tender is for technical design   [BSE:SNG] and steel plant Liberty   through the Acorn CCS infrastructure.
       of the gas interconnection on Bulgarian   Galati have signed a memorandum

       P18                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 24   18•June•2020
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