Page 13 - AsiaElec Week 07 2021
P. 13

AsiaElec                                   NEWS IN BRIEF                                            AsiaElec

       average, led by Total’s $1.98bn acquisition   COAL                         Also in November 2020, the Philippines’
       of Adani Green Energy, according to                                      Department of Energy proposed a
       GlobalData’s deals database.        Bangladesh leads coal                moratorium on new coal power plants which,
         A total of 22 power industry deals worth                               according to analysis by GEM, could lead to
       $2.9bn were announced for the region in   power capping in South and     9.6GW of cancellations.
       January 2021, against the 12-month average of                              Later in December, on the fifth anniversary
       36 deals.                           Southeast Asia                       of the Paris Agreement, Pakistani Prime
         Of all the deal types, M&A saw most                                    Minister Imran Khan announced that the
       activity in January 2021 with 18 transactions,   Many South and Southeast Asian countries   country would not construct any new coal
       representing an 81.8% share for the region.  have followed Bangladesh’s footsteps in   power plants, though the real-world impact
         In second place was venture financing with   radically reconsidering their coal power   of this grandiose announcement has been
       four deals capturing an 18.2% share of the   projects in the face of new economic realities   questioned.
       overall deal activity for the month.  following the spread of coronavirus.  Adding in proposed project cancellations
         In terms of value of deals, M&A was the   According to a new analysis from Global   in Indonesia, GEM estimates that the coal
       leading category in Asia-Pacific’s power   Energy Monitor (GEM), four of the region’s   power pipeline in South and Southeast Asia’s
       industry with $2.79bn, followed by venture   largest emerging economies – Bangladesh,   four major emerging economies may have
       financing deals totalled $110.02m.  Indonesia, the Philippines, and Vietnam –   dropped by as much as 62GW in 2020, the
         The top five power deals accounted for   plan to cancel nearly 45 gigawatts (GW) of   report said.
       92.7% of the overall value during January   coal power in 2020, reports China Dialogue.  Not only that, prospects for a revival of
       2021.                                  It started in June 2020 with Bangladesh   coal development plans in 2021 have also
         The combined value of the top five power   after Power, Energy and Mineral Resources   been limited by announcements from major
       deals stood at $2.69bn, against the overall   Minister Nasrul Hamid announced that the   coal financiers in South Korea and Japan of
       value of $2.9bn recorded for the month.  government was planning to “review” all but   new restrictions on coal power investments
         The top five power industry deals of   three of the country’s under-development coal   beyond their borders.
       January 2021 tracked by GlobalData were:  plants, capping coal power capacity at 5GW.
         1) Total’s $1.98bn acquisition of Adani   The announcement put doubt on  planned
       Green Energy                        coal plants totalling 23GW.
         2) The $537.94m acquisition deal with   By November 2020, Bangladeshi media   HYDROGEN
       SUEZ NWS by SUEZ (Asia)             reported that the plan to scrap most of the
         3) CITIC Pacific Special Steel Holdings’   country’s planned coal was awaiting approval   JERA, Petronas to promote
       $62m acquisition of Shanghai Electric Group   from the prime minister, the report added.
       Steel Tube                             A month later, details of Vietnam’s draft   LNG, improve ammonia and
         4) The $61.34m acquisition of Noida Power  Power Development Plan, which is due to
       by Eminent Electricity Distribution  come into force next year, became public.   hydrogen supply chains
         5) Shenzhen Expressway’s venture     The draft plan proposed cancelling seven
       financing of Mulei County Qianzhi Energy   coal plants and postponing six others until   Japan’s JERA has signed a memorandum of
       Development for                     the 2030s, by which point it is highly unlikely   understanding (MoU) with Malaysia’s national
         $44.7m.                           they will go ahead. The 13 plants represent   oil and natural gas company Petronas,
                                           almost half of Vietnam’s planned coal power   agreeing to co-operate in the decarbonisation
                                           development.                         sector

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