Page 6 - EurOil Week 29
P. 6

EurOil                                        COMMENTARY                                               EurOil

       Chevron to buy Noble in first major

       post-crash deal

       Chevron is to buy Noble Energy for $5bn in stock, but whether this ushers in a
       new wave of consolidation remains uncertain

        GLOBAL           THE  lull in US mergers and acquisitions  would have: an attractive combination of
                         (M&As) has come to an end this week, with  high-return US unconventionals (DJ & Per-
       WHAT:             Chevron announcing that it had struck a deal  mian), integrated midstream assets (NBLX) and
       There are uncertainties   to buy US independent Noble Energy for $5bn  geographic diversification via capital efficient
       over whether Chevron’s   in stock. The acquisition is making waves, as it  international gas resources (Eastern Mediter-
       acquisition of Noble will   is the largest energy industry transaction to be  ranean and Equatorial Guinea), all trading at a
       be followed by more oil   announced since the oil price downturn began in  large sum-of-the-parts discount,” Morgan Stan-
       and gas deals.    March. It is also significant for a number of other  ley said in a note.
                         reasons, marking a super-major’s entry into   The Eastern Mediterranean assets in par-
       WHY:              Israel for the first time and signifying a greater  ticular are thought to have been a major factor
       Buyers could be attracted   focus on gas on Chevron’s part.  in attracting Chevron. Shale, on the other hand,
       by bargain prices, but   Initial reactions to the deal included hopes  has fallen out of favour somewhat since last year,
       appetite has been muted   that it would usher in a new era of oil and gas  when Permian Basin holdings were considered
       in recent months.  consolidation as deep-pocketed majors hunt for  one of the main draws in the bidding contest for
                         bargains and smaller players weigh up options  Anadarko.
       WHAT NEXT:        for their survival. However, there have also been
       The Noble deal will also   warnings that the appetite for new acquisitions  Eyes to the east
       give Chevron a foothold   has been lacking in recent months, and that the  Noble’s assets in the Eastern Mediterranean
       in Israel.        Chevron deal does not necessarily change this.  include operating interests in the producing
                                                              Leviathan and Tamar gas fields offshore Israel,
                         Making waves                         as well as the Aphrodite gas discovery in neigh-
                         Including the assumption of Noble’s debt, the  bouring Cypriot waters. Noble estimated that it
                         total value of the deal is around $13bn. The  had 35 trillion cubic feet (991.2bn cubic metres)
                         transaction price tag of $5bn equates to $10.38  in discovered gross recoverable resources across
                         per Noble share – a 7.5% premium to the com-  its Eastern Mediterranean operations as of the
                         pany’s closing share price on July 17 and around  end of 2018. In 2019, its Eastern Mediterranean
                         a 12% premium to its 10-day average.  sales volumes – all in Israel – averaged 223mn
                           Noble’s share price had fallen more than 60%  cubic feet (6.3mn cubic metres) per day of gas
                         between the start of the year and July 17, and  equivalent. Production at Leviathan is set to
                         thus the deal may still be seen as a bargain. And  ramp up further between now and 2023, peaking
                         RBC Capital Markets noted that this was still a  at 1.2bn cubic feet (34.0 mcm) per day.
                         discount to its price target for Noble of $13 per   Chevron noted in its July 20 presentation on
                         share, making it a “small premium compared  the deal that the transaction would also bolster
                         to other deals in the space historically”. Invest-  its footprint offshore Egypt, where it has existing
                         ment bank Morgan Stanley echoed RBC’s view,  operations.
                         describing the deal as a “low-premium” one that   In Cyprus, Noble was granted an exploita-
                         came in just below its valuation for Noble of  tion licence for Aphrodite in November 2019,
                         roughly $11 per share.               together with its partners Royal Dutch Shell
                           Among other ways in which the deal is note-  and Delek Group. Under the plan approved for
                         worthy, it is Chevron’s first major acquisition  Aphrodite, produced gas will be sent via a subsea
                         after it walked away from its takeover of Ana-  pipeline to Egypt, where it will be liquefied for
                         darko Petroleum last year, having been outbid  export to markets in Europe and elsewhere.
                         by Occidental Petroleum. The failed Anadarko   Cypriot officials are due to hold teleconfer-
                         deal had been significantly larger – Chevron  ences with the heads of both Chevron and Noble
                         had initially agreed to acquire the company for  this week in order to be fully briefed on the trans-
                         $33bn, or $50bn including the assumption of  action, and how it stands to affect the develop-
                         debt. However, despite its smaller size, the Noble  ment of Aphrodite.
                         acquisition has some similarities with that plan.  It is Chevron’s entry into Israel in particu-
                           “For [Chevron], the acquisition checks a lot  lar that is turning heads, given that it will be
                         of the same boxes that the Anadarko transaction  the first super-major to operate in the country.

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