Page 18 - FSUOGM Week 34
P. 18

FSUOGM                                 PROJECTS & COMPANIES                                         FSUOGM

       INK sets records in horizontal

       drilling in Eastern Siberia

        RUSSIA           EASTERN Siberian oil producer Irkutsk Oil   Markovskoye was identified in 1962, making
                         (INK) has reported setting a new record in hori-  it one of the first oil discoveries to be made in
                         zontal drilling at one of its main fields.  Eastern Siberia. But a lack of infrastructure and
                           The company said on August 20 it had sunk a  market access in the region meant its develop-
                         4,796-metre well at the Markovskoye field in the  ment did not get underway until the 2000s.
                         Irkutsk region, consisting of a horizontal section   Markovskoye began flowing oil to Asian
                         with a record length of 1,745 metres. Its drilling  markets in 2011, following the launch of the
                         division also completed a 4,994-metre well at  Eastern Siberia – Pacific Ocean (ESPO) pipe-
                         the site, representing the company’s longest ever  line two years earlier. ESPO carries Eastern
                         borehole.                            Siberian crude to Russia’s Far Eastern port of
                           In a statement, INK said it hoped to drill  Kozmino, where it is loaded onto tankers for
                         wells with lengths exceeding 5,000 metres in the  export.
                         future, with the help of new technologies and   INK's current focus is raising Markovskoye’s
                         advanced equipment.                  gas output, as part of a broader gas develop-
                           INK is the largest independent oil producer  ment programme. It wants to build gas-pro-
                         working in Eastern Siberia, with rights to doz-  cessing facilities at the site, and sell by-product
                         ens of fields and licences across the regions of  natural gas liquids (NGLs) to local consumers,
                         Irkutsk, Krasnoyarsk and Yakutia. It lifted more  and use them as feedstock for petrochemical
                         than 180,000 barrels per day (bpd) of oil last year.  production.™

                                                   NEWS IN BRIEF

       RUSSIA                              RUB2 trillion ($26.9bn) to implement the   programme intensifies," VTBC warns.
                                           plan, above the RUB750bn already budgeted   The bank sees some upside risks to the
       Cost of retail gas                  by the company for extension of retail gas   capex forecasts on Gazprom. Still, given
                                                                                that the discussion is at a preliminary stage
       connections could be                could propose shifting all the cost on to   and the compensation mechanisms for the
                                              Reportedly, the United Russia deputies
                                                                                company are unclear, VTBC is not making
       slapped on Gazprom                  Gazprom, while compensating the company   any changes to its Gazprom valuation model
                                                                                on the back of this news.
                                           with tax breaks and/or a carte blanche to
       The ruling United Russia Party will propose   issue perpetual bonds.       As of end of 1Q20 the net debt of
       shifting the costs of connecting retail gas   However, in a separate report Interfax said  Gazprom jumped by 18% year to date to
       consumers to gas infrastructure on to the   that the overall spending on the gasification   RUB3.74 trillion, with net debt to Ebitda
       state-controlled gas giant Gazprom, RBC   programmes in Russia is estimated to   leverage at 2x. The company pledged to
       business daily reported on August 24 citing   be RUB603bn ($8.1bn) over 2021-25,   lower the leverage in 2021, as the market is
       unnamed sources in the party.       Interfax reports, citing the actual Gazprom   expected to stabilise after the coronavirus
         Reportedly, the measure potentially   presentation during an meeting organised by   (COVID-19) crisis. Analysts have already
       costing up to RUB2 trillion will be pushed   United Russia.              warned that high leverage could compromise
       at a meeting with regional authorities, the   Reportedly, of this, Gazprom might   Gazprom's dividends.
       Finance and the Energy Ministries, and other  invest RUB526bn ($7.1bn), with RUB247bn   Analysts surveyed by RBC believe that
       relevant agencies and watchdogs.    possibly allocated to the construction of   additional tax breaks for Gazprom will
         As followed by bne IntelliNews, most   offshoot pipelines and gas distributing plants,  be met with resistance from the Finance
       recently the state oil major Rosneft also   and RUB279bn to build inter-settlement   Ministry, and see an issue of perpetual bonds
       reportedly complained about Gazprom's   pipelines.                       as a more likely solution, already employed
       hegemony over access to the Gas        "RUB526bn is equal to 6% of Gazprom’s   for other infrastructure investment (such as
       Transportation System (GTS).        overall capex and 8% of its non-upstream   Russian Railways).
         RBC reminds that in June, President   capex over 2021-25," VTB Capital (VTBC)   Gazprom posted its first quarterly loss
       Vladimir Putin ordered the government,   estimated on Augusts 25.        since 2015 in 1Q20, as the coronavirus
       Gazprom and the regional authorities   The bank estimates that Gazprom spent   (COVID-19) pandemic caused its European
       to boost the retail connections to gas   RUB153bn on gasification in 2015-19, or   sales to collapse, and ruble devaluation led
       infrastructure from 70% to 83% on a federal   2% of its capex for these years. "Therefore,   to hefty foreign exchange losses. But the
       scale by 2030.                      the estimated gasification spending might   company still maintained its dividend policy..
         Gazprom gave a preliminary estimate of   grow in the coming years if the gasification

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