Page 4 - EurOil Week 38
P. 4

EurOil                                        COMMENTARY                                               EurOil

       EU Parliament backs applying

       emissions trading to shipping

       Shipowners have already invested heavily in upgrades to meet IMO standards.

       Paying for their carbon emissions will mean significantly higher operating costs

        EUROPE           THE European Parliament has backed the inclu-  sector to adequately reduce emissions. Applying
                         sion of pollution from ships in the EU emissions  the ETS to shipping is therefore needed. Greens
       WHAT:             trading system (ETS), a move that would burden  lawmaker Jutta Paulus of Germany said the vote
       MEPs want ships to   the industry with significantly higher operating  was “a strong signal in line with the European
       pay for their emissions   costs.                       Green Deal and the climate emergency.”
       starting in 2022.   From 2022, ships with a gross tonnage of   “Monitoring and reported CO2 emissions
                         more than 5,000 will have to pay for carbon per-  is important, but statistics alone do not save a
       WHY:              mits to cover their emissions when they make  single gram of greenhouse gas,” she said. “That’s
       Lawmakers argue that   voyages within Europe or travel to and from an  why we are going further than the Commission
       existing IMO rules do   EU port, under the new proposals. MEPs on  proposal and demanding tougher measures to
       not motivate shipowners   September 16 voted 520 to 94 in favour of add-  reduce emissions from maritime shipping.”
       to make large enough   ing shipping to the ETS, while 77 lawmakers   MEPS also want to see shipowners commit to
       reductions in emissions.  abstained.                   lowering their annual CO2 emissions by at least
                           The European Commission earlier this year  40% by 2030. Parliament will next negotiate with
       WHAT NEXT:        proposed aligning EU emissions rules with  member states on what final shape the legislation
       A new study by DNV GL   those of the International Maritime Organisa-  takes.
       sees LNG as a transition   tion (IMO). Stricter IMO rules came into force   An Aframax tanker could be saddled with an
       fuel in shipping, while   this year regarding the sulphur content in marine  extra $4,000 per day in costs to meet ETS criteria,
       painting a bleak future   fuels, forcing shipowners to invest heavily in ves-  investment firm Clarksons Platou Securities has
       for hydrogen.     sel upgrades and refiners in developing cleaner  estimated. This figure assumes fuel consump-
                         fuels.                               tion of 40 tonnes per year (tpy), emissions of 3.1
                           The Parliament has gone further, after MEPs  tonnes of CO2 per tonne of fuel, and an emis-
                         argued that IMO rules had not encouraged the  sions certificate price of €30 per tonne. This extra

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