Page 8 - GLNG Week 41 2021
P. 8

GLNG                                            AMERICAS                                               GLNG

                                                                                                  GNA is developing Latin
                                                                                                  America’s largest LNG-
                                                                                                  to-power project.

       GNA JV to start building new gas-fired TPP

        PROJECTS &       GAS Natural Açu (GNA), a joint venture formed  include onshore gas pipelines and a gas-process-
        COMPANIES        to execute Latin America’s largest LNG-to-  ing unit. It has said it intends to invest around
                         power project, is set to start construction of a  $5bn in the gas and power complex.
                         new thermal power plant (TPP) later this month.  The Açu Gas Hub is close to producing gas
                           The GNA-II power facility is the second  fields in Brazil’s offshore zone and will be able
                         of two large natural gas-fired TPPs that GNA  to benefit from plans for the construction of a
                         intends to build at the Açu Gas Hub complex,  500-kV transmission line in the region. It is also
                         which is located at the port of Açu in Rio de  capable of importing up to 28mn cubic metres   It is also capable
                         Janeiro State. The plant is due to begin operat-  per day of LNG via a floating storage and regas-
                         ing in 2024 and will have an installed capacity  ification unit (FSRU) known as the BW Magna.   of importing up
                         of 1,672 MW, enough to supply energy for up to  The FSRU received its first LNG cargo from BP
                         8mn households.                      late last year.                       to 28mn cubic
                           The joint venture revealed last month that it   GNA’s founding members are Siemens (Ger-
                         had been authorised by Brazil’s national elec-  many), BP (UK) and Prumo, a private Brazilian  metres per day of
                         tricity regulator ANEEL to start commercial  entity controlled by EIG Global Energy Partners   LNG via a floating
                         operations at its first TPP, known as GNA-I. It  (US). Siemens has agreed to build the TPPs,
                         said at the same time that it had commissioned  while Prumo is operating the BW Magna FSRU.   storage and
                         the 1,338-MW plant, which was built at a cost  BP, for its part, is supplying the terminal with
                         of $1bn. The facility is capable of generating  LNG.                       regasification
                         enough electricity to supply 6mn households.  The joint venture also includes China’s State
                           GNA-II is slated to come online in 2023 and  Power Investment Corp. (SPIC), which com-  unit.
                         already has 3 GW of long-term power purchase  pleted its acquisition of a stake in GNA earlier
                         agreements (PPAs) under contract. Meanwhile,  this year. The joint venture said at the time
                         GNA aims to build two more 1,672-MW plants,  that the Chinese company had acquired a 33%
                         GNA-III and GNA-IV, at the site. These will  stake in the GNA-I and GNA-II TPPs, as well
                         increase the complex’s generating capacity by  as the Açu Gas Hub. It also noted that SPIC had
                         3.4 GW, bringing its total installed capacity up to  finalised an agreement that would allow it to
                         6.4 GW, making it the biggest facility of its kind  participate in the future expansion of the com-
                         in Latin America.                    plex via the construction of the GNA-III and
                           GNA also hopes to expand the complex to  GNA-IV plants.™

       P8                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 41   15•October•2021
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