Page 6 - AsiaElec Week 30
P. 6

AsiaElec                                      COMMENTARY                                             AsiaElec

       Australian gas shortages make

       case for upstream investment

       Cooper Energy is pushing ahead with a new upstream project even though companies are
       delaying investments amid the current industry downturn

        AUSTRALIA        THE coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has   The company said on July 23 that it had pro-
                         derailed the global economy, depressing energy  duced 3.49 PJ (90.91bn cubic metres) of gas in
       WHAT:             demand in the process and undermining inter-  the quarter, compared with 1.41 PJ (36.73 bcm)
       Cooper Energy has   national oil and gas prices. The prospects of a  in the January-March period. The bump in pro-
       reported strong second-  sustained recovery in demand are overshad-  duction countered a 15% quarter-on-quarter
       half production and   owed by the threat of a government-ordered  slide in crude and condensate production to
       revenue figures   lockdowns in the face of a global second wave  42,590 barrels of oil equivalent (boe).
                         of infections.                         Second-quarter revenue enjoyed a 61% bump
       WHY:                This year is already set to see the worst reces-  on the quarter to AUD24.1mn ($17.2mn) thanks
       The company’s focus on   sion since the Great Depression, according to  to higher gas sales, which also jumped 61% to
       producing gas for the   the International Monetary Fund (IMF). That  AUD21.5mn ($15.3mn).
       domestic market has   outlook, however, could deteriorate further if   Cooper’s increasing focus on gas production,
       shielded it from the worst   governments fail to balance their health obliga-  which is sold to the domestic buyers via term
       of the downturn   tions with promoting economic activity. Erring  contracts and spot sales, helped its financial year
                         too heavily on either side of the equation could  2019-2020 revenue climbed 3% year on year to
       WHAT NEXT:        cost the global economy dearly.      AUD78.1mn ($55.7mn). Revenue from gas sales
       Australia’s East Coast   It is a situation keenly felt by Australia, which  climbed 22% y/y to AUD63.6mn ($45.4mn).
       demand is expected to   in a mere matter of a weeks has gone from quiet   The Sole gas field’s start-up in March was the
       outstrip supply within a   confidence over its handling of the pandemic to  driver beyond the surge in performance and,
       matter of years, making   isolating the state of Victoria, as a second wave  while there are still some operational uncer-
       the case for continued   there threatens to engulf the entire country.  tainties still to be ironed out, the company
       upstream investment  The precarious position the country finds  expects the field to lift its full-year production
                         itself in, with Treasurer Josh Frydenberg warn-  significantly.
                         ing that Australia faces its largest budget defi-  The company is upbeat on performance
                         cit since World War II, is shared by the local  despite the fact that domestic gas prices have
                         upstream. Each of the country’s large developers  retreated from highs of around AUD20 ($14.27)
                         has written down assets that were valued using  per GJ in 2017 to levels not seen since Queens-
                         oil prices that are not only much higher than  land’s trio of coal-bed methane (CBM) to liq-  Pull quote to go
                         either those that emerged following the March  uefied natural gas (LNG) projects started up in
                         collapse but also those predicted to emerge in the  2014. Part of that optimism may be found in the   in here Pull quote
                         next year or so.                     fact that Australia’s constrained supply outlook   to go in here Pull
                           While both gas export projects and oilfields  suggests that prices are unlikely to remain at
                         have been squeezed by the global energy sector  AUD4 ($2.85) per GJ.       quote to go in
                         downturn, there is one segment of the Australian
                         energy sector that is offering a ray of hope – nat-  Demand outweighs supply  here Pull quote
                         ural gas fields that sell to local buyers.  The  Australian  Energy  Market  Operator
                                                              (AEMO) has warned that domestic gas supply   to go in here Pull
                         Golden age of gas                    shortages could emerge in Victoria by 2023, with   quote to go in
                         Australian independent Santos revealed this  other southern states set to feel the pinch shortly
                         week that higher domestic natural gas produc-  after.                          here.
                         tion had helped to offset a decline in oil prices,   Simply put, there are not enough gas sup-
                         which ultimately slashed 15% from its sec-  ply projects in the pipeline to meet projected
                         ond-quarter revenue.                 demand and, while that timeline may be pushed
                           Santos is not the only company to have said  back 12-24 months owing to the current pan-
                         higher local gas production acted as a shield  demic, the country will eventually have to
                         to current energy market volatility, with fellow  develop some sort of approach to social distanc-
                         independent Cooper Energy posting strong  ing that does not involve lockdowns. The central
                         quarterly results on the back of its upstream gas  government has said it does not want to see the
                         portfolio.                           country return to lockdown, and is watching

       P6                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 30   29•July•2020
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